
发布时间:2019-06-04 05:26
【摘要】:自2004年以来,互联网领域Q币被盗事件时有发生,用户的合法权益受到侵害。但是,由于没有明确的法律规定,对于用户权利的保护只能根据《刑法》、《民法通则》、《物权法》、《合同法》等相关法律中的兜底条款或者司法解释予以救济。对Q币定性不同又导致法院对于此类案件的定罪量刑标准不一,有的法院以盗窃罪、诈骗罪等财产性的犯罪进行定罪处罚,有的则以侵犯通信自由罪定罪量刑。在涉案金额的认定上,又存在“销赃所得”、“实际损失”、“官方售价”等多重标准。 本文从Q币诞生背景着手考察Q币现状,论证了Q币的财产权利属性,反驳了“物权说”、“知识产权说”、“新型财产说”,认为Q币是一种新型的电子债权凭证。用户与腾讯公司之间建立的基于服务合同的债权债务关系,用户持有Q币时,表明用户与腾讯公司的合同成立且生效但是尚未开始履行。当用户使用Q币时,即时以此凭证要求腾讯公司履行服务合同的义务。当用户用Q币购买其他公司的实物或者服务时,乃是以行动同意腾讯公司将合同的义务全部或者部分转移给第三人,并不是Q币在行使货币职能。基于合同关系的随附保管义务,腾讯公司负责对Q币凭证的保管,当出现第三人窃取Q币时,属于侵犯腾讯公司对于Q币的本体权利及其腾讯公司与用户之间的债权债务关系,第三人窃取Q币并没有消灭QQ用户请求腾讯公司继续履行债务的权利,而且在实际操作中,,Q币未被使用之前只是存储于腾讯公司网络服务器中的一些信息存储符号,腾讯公司有再为用户发放凭证——向Q币个人账户存入Q币的可能。根据合同法,用户有请求腾讯公司承担停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险、继续履行、赔偿损失等责任的权利;根据合同法和侵权责任法,腾讯公司有请求侵权第三人承担停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险、赔偿损失等侵权责任。
[Abstract]:Since 2004, the theft of Q coins in the Internet has occurred from time to time, and the legitimate rights and interests of users have been infringed. However, in the absence of clear legal provisions, the protection of users' rights can only be alleviated according to the criminal law, the general principles of civil law, the property law, contract law and other relevant laws or judicial interpretation. The different characterization of Q coins leads to different standards of conviction and sentencing in this kind of cases. Some courts are convicted and punished for theft, fraud and other property crimes, while others are convicted and sentenced for violating the freedom of communication. In the determination of the amount involved, there are multiple standards, such as "proceeds of sale", "actual loss", "official selling price" and so on. This paper examines the present situation of Q coin from the background of the birth of Q coin, demonstrates the property right attribute of Q coin, refutes the theory of real right, the theory of intellectual property and the theory of new property, and holds that Q coin is a new type of electronic creditor's right certificate. The debt and debt relationship based on the service contract established between the user and Tencent. When the user holds Q coin, it indicates that the contract between the user and Tencent is established and takes effect but has not yet begun to be fulfilled. When users use Q coins, this certificate immediately requires Tencent to perform its service contract obligations. When users use Q coins to buy other companies' objects or services, they agree that Tencent will transfer all or part of the contract obligations to a third party, and that Q coins are not exercising monetary functions. Based on the attached custody obligation of the contractual relationship, Tencent is responsible for the custody of the Q coin voucher. When the third party steals the Q coin, it is an infringement of Tencent's Noumenon rights over the Q coin and the creditor and debt relationship between the Tencent company and the users. The theft of Q coins by a third party did not eliminate the right of QQ users to request Tencent to continue to fulfill its debts, and in practice, Q coins were only stored in Tencent's network servers before they were used. Tencent has the possibility of issuing vouchers to users to deposit Q coins into their personal accounts. According to contract law, users have the right to request Tencent company to bear the liability of stopping infringement, eliminating obstacles, eliminating danger, continuing to perform, compensation for losses and so on. According to contract law and tort liability law, Tencent company has requested the third party to bear tort liability, such as stop infringement, eliminate hindrance, eliminate danger, compensate for loss and so on.


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