[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet and multimedia information technology, content-based image retrieval has become a hot research topic in the field of information, and is widely used in public security system, medical system, intellectual property maintenance system and so on. This paper focuses on the application of image retrieval in textile industry, and explores the retrieval methods suitable for fabric image in order to meet the more and more fashion needs of users. In this paper, the characteristics of fabric image are deeply analyzed, the retrieval algorithm is studied from two aspects of feature extraction and index construction, and a fabric image retrieval algorithm based on pyramid multi-scale LBP and self-learning hash is proposed. The main work and innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. A pyramid multi-scale LBP feature extraction algorithm is proposed. In this paper, the typical LBP operators are introduced, and the shortcomings of several existing multi-scale LBP operators are deeply analyzed. Based on the characteristics of fabric images, a pyramid multi-scale LBP feature extraction algorithm is proposed. Firstly, the fabric image is decomposed into pyramids, and then the multi-radius LBP operator of sampling points is extracted from each layer of pyramid image. Compared with other existing multi-scale LBP algorithms, the pyramid multi-scale LBP algorithm proposed in this paper has a wider range of feature extraction and stronger feature expression ability, and can effectively describe the texture information of fabric images. 2. The self-learning hash algorithm is applied to fabric image retrieval. In this paper, several hash techniques are analyzed. In view of the shortcomings of the existing methods, the self-learning hash algorithm used in text information retrieval is applied to image retrieval, and the self-learning hash process is improved according to the difference between image and text data. The improved self-learning hash algorithm is used to index the fabric image, which greatly saves the data storage space and reduces the amount of computation. On the basis of the first two algorithms, a fabric image retrieval algorithm based on pyramid multi-scale LBP and self-learning hash is proposed. The algorithm uses pyramid multi-scale LBP operator to extract the features of fabric image, combines the local information and global information of the image, and effectively describes the texture structure of fabric image. In the index construction stage, the improved self-learning hash algorithm is used to effectively retain the similar structure of the original spatial image data. The experimental results show that the retrieval performance of the proposed algorithm is generally better than that of other related algorithms.
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