[Abstract]:As a technology, "thick layer sintering" has been developed in our country for decades. Due to the lack of accurate definition of "thick material layer", the popularization of "thick layer" as a paradigm has encountered a bottleneck. Because the concept of thick material layer is not clear, coupled with the empirical type in the decision-making of new plant design and old plant transformation, the uncertainty of production and investment is brought, and the opportunity cost is lost. The definition of "thick material layer" by using optimization technology for the first time in China can make the production problem of thick material layer indisputable. Taking the "thick layer optimization sintering technology" developed after the introduction of Baosteel Sintering Phase I project as an example, the principle, method and test results of the optimization technology are introduced theoretically and in practice. In order to realize the high efficiency and energy saving, emission reduction and production limitation, green environmental protection and harmonious development of iron and steel in the new period, it is necessary to popularize the "thick material layer optimization sintering technology" with complete intellectual property rights in order to improve the total factor productivity of sintering enterprises and build the soft power of China's iron and steel industry.
【作者单位】: 湖南广播电视大学网络工程职业学院;
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