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发布时间:2018-01-01 04:43

  本文关键词:基于时间序列分析的汽车销量预测研究 出处:《合肥工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 汽车销量预测 时间序列分析 大数据 变量选择 BP神经网络

[Abstract]:China has become the world's largest auto production and automobile consumption market. The development of automobile industry has driven the development of many peripheral industries. It has great positive significance for stimulating domestic demand and promoting export growth. Therefore, accurate prediction of car sales will help policy makers to control the overall market development and growth situation from the macro perspective. It is helpful for automobile manufacturers to study the market from the micro level in order to formulate marketing strategy. Most of the existing research on automobile sales forecast is aimed at the whole automobile market rather than a single automobile brand. And the lack of the network big data in-depth mining, ignoring big data's ability to predict car sales. In response to the above problems. This paper presents a BOAR model of automobile sales forecasting based on network big data and traditional statistical time series analysis. For a single brand, considering the historical sales of the brand in different time windows. Combined with the user emotional values mined in online reviews to predict the car sales. The experiments on multiple automobile brands show that the integrated historical sales volume in the same period. The average prediction error of pre-sales and brand emotion BOAR model is 5.93%, which is 8.59% lower than that of autoregressive model, which can accurately predict the sales volume of a single car brand. At the same time, we realized that both the BOAR model and the traditional time series analysis model have the following problems: 1) there are many factors affecting car sales. The factors affecting the sales of different brands may also be inconsistent. For different automobile brands, it is unreasonable to use consistent influencing factors as predictive variables.) it is necessary to presuppose linear relationship between influencing factors and sales volume. For highly nonlinear relationships, it is difficult to fit the mathematical model accurately. Therefore, a general sales forecasting MISF model is proposed. Based on the combination of MARS variable selection process and BP neural network, the monthly sales volume of a single automobile brand is predicted. The experimental results show that the average prediction error of the MISF model is 4.04%. It is proved that variable selection and neural network play an important role in the prediction of automobile sales volume. The BOAR model and MISF model proposed in this paper are more important than the BOAR model. Type A accurately predicts the monthly sales volume of single automobile brand granularity. The results can not only be used for reference in the field of automobile sales prediction, but also provide more effective decision support for the production planning and control of automobile manufacturers.


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