本文关键词:基于LEAP模型的吉林省钢铁工业碳减排路径研究 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: LEAP模型 吉林省钢铁工业 碳减排路径 节能低碳技术
[Abstract]:In recent years, global warming caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions has become a major environmental problem and challenge recognized by the international community. Iron and steel industry is one of the main sources of CO_2 emissions in China. Jilin Province as an old industrial base in Northeast China and one of the high-carbon regions in China, iron and steel industry also has a large potential for energy conservation and emission reduction, and put forward objective and specific industrial adjustment and carbon emission reduction policies. It is necessary to promote the coordinated development of local iron and steel energy, environment and economy. This paper takes the energy consumption and carbon emission of iron and steel industry in Jilin Province as the research object and combines the econometric method. The LEAP prediction model of energy consumption and carbon emission in the life cycle of Jilin iron and steel industry is constructed, and the parameters of benchmark scenario, new policy scenario and low carbon scenario are set up, and the single factor analysis is carried out based on the prediction results. And the introduction and evaluation of specific energy-saving low-carbon technology, clear priorities for the application of each technology, the formulation of specific low-carbon iron and steel development action strategy. The research results show that the "12th Five-Year Plan" period. The energy consumption and carbon emission of iron and steel industry reached its peak in 2013 and dropped to the minimum value of .2.In 2015, the energy consumption and carbon emission of iron and steel industry were adjusted in the conventional production process. The energy consumption of the base scenario reached the peak in 2020 to 7.01 Mtce.The energy consumption of the new policy scenario and the low carbon scenario decreased year by year from 2015. In 2030, the energy saving rates of the three scenarios compared with the base year were 613% and 20%, respectively. The carbon emissions from the baseline scenarios reached the peak of 17.58 Mt in 2020. The new policy scenario and low carbon scenario decreased year by year. In 2030, the carbon emission reduction rates were 7% and 16% respectively. In 2015, the energy consumption of 1 ton EAF steel was reduced by 0.53 t compared with converter steel, and the energy saving rate was 76%. The emission reduction rate is 68 / 3.When the single factor analysis, it is found that the output of crude steel, the energy intensity of blast furnace ironmaking, the ratio of iron to steel, the large scale of hot rolling equipment, the energy intensity of hot rolling, the energy intensity of sintering and the large scale of converter. The positive effect of sintering on carbon emission decreases in turn. The negative effects of large blast furnace, electric furnace ratio, rough steel / steel, blast furnace ratio and cold rolling ratio on carbon emission decreased in turn. 4. When further consideration was given to energy saving and low carbon technology. Technology introduction can play a greater role than the process adjustment. Compared with conventional process adjustment, the energy saving rate of the three scenarios in 2030 is 16% compared with the base year after the introduction of energy saving and low-carbon technology. The carbon emission reduction rates of 29% and 38 are 17% and 33% respectively. In view of the current problems in the iron and steel industry in Jilin Province, the assessment is based on single factor analysis and energy saving and low carbon technology. The specific carbon abatement path is as follows: (1) priority should be given to the development of short process production of "scrap steel and electric furnace" in the iron and steel joint enterprise, so as to improve the electric furnace power efficiency and large scale proportion; 2) the long process of "iron-converter" production should focus on reducing excess production capacity, improving the ironmaking process level of blast furnace and reducing the ratio of iron and steel; (3) when considering negative effects, priority should be given to upgrading the technological level and energy efficiency of large blast furnaces and electric furnaces; When introducing energy saving and low carbon technology, priority should be given to the introduction of boiler burning blast furnace gas and low calorific value associated gas combined cycle power generation in large and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises in the near future. The research on carbon emission reduction path of iron and steel industry can provide theoretical basis and action for decision makers to formulate low carbon development policy and to deal with climate change in the medium and long term strategy. A guide. And is advantageous to Jilin Province as soon as possible realizes the industrial ecology and the region economy successful transformation.
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