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发布时间:2018-01-07 22:31

  本文关键词:基于DEA模型的山西省矿业城市效率研究 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: DEA 矿业城市 矿业城市效率 影响因素

[Abstract]:As the light of high quality and high efficiency development of mining city, the efficiency of mining city is improved. Its improvement is not only helpful to improve the comprehensive strength of mining city, but also to enhance the regional radiation power and attraction of mining city. However, mining cities attach importance to economic growth, ignore the overall planning, coordinated development, make high pollution, high consumption. The phenomenon of low output urban disease is very obvious, which reduces the development quality of mining cities. Improving the efficiency of mining cities is the necessary way to realize the rapid and good development of mining cities. Based on the reference of a large number of documents, this paper takes urban efficiency and resource-based city efficiency as the starting point, starting from the angle of input and output. The total investment of fixed assets, financial expenditure, the number of employees, the consumption of dominant mineral resources is the input index of GDP, the proportion of the output value of extractive industry to the total industrial output value, the total retail sales of social consumer goods. The comprehensive utilization ratio of industrial solid waste and the green rate of the built area are the output indexes. Taking 10 mining cities in Shanxi Province defined in the National Sustainable Development Planning of Resource-based cities (2013-2020) as the research object, the traditional DEA self-evaluation model is used. This paper introduces the VRS model of virtual mining cities to calculate and analyze the efficiency of mining cities in Shanxi Province and discusses the influencing factors. The efficiency of mining cities in Shanxi Province is not high and the trend is decreasing year by year. The causes of this phenomenon are as follows: the quantity of mining resources does not match with the quantity of resources transported out of the country, the scale of cities and the layout of structure; Through the introduction of virtual mining DEA cross-evaluation model, it is found that most mining cities are in the development stage of high input and high output. Although the input-output structure has a higher evaluation value in the traditional DEA self-evaluation model, but this evaluation result can not guide the efficiency of Shanxi mining city. In order to find out the characteristic and evolution law of mining city efficiency difference among three regions in Shanxi Province, this paper makes use of it. Convergence test shows that the efficiency of mining cities in Shanxi Province is decreasing from north to south and the difference of efficiency of mining cities is gradually expanding. In order to ensure the development of mining city in the direction of high efficiency and high quality with low input and high output, in the process of development of mining city in the future, we should reduce the exploitation of resources and improve the utilization rate of resources. Adjusting the input-output structure and promoting the rational allocation of the elements; Improve the policy system and improve the quality of urban development; Strengthen the policy, science and technology dual role, improve the comprehensive utilization rate of solid waste; Give play to the role of the government and actively promote regional coordinated development.


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