本文关键词: 中国 LNG点供 煤改气 制约因素 开发模式 油气改革 政策环境 发展前景 出处:《天然气工业》2017年09期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Under the influence of low oil price and thanks to the strong promotion of "coal to gas" project, the LNG project with obvious comprehensive economy has gradually become an investment. But there are many problems such as the lack of design specification and industry standard, illegal construction and incomplete procedures for the current LNG supply project. Especially to the city gas enterprise franchise has caused the huge impact, causes the local government and the pipeline gas enterprise to have the resistance mentality to it. Therefore, through the multi-party visit investigation. This paper summarizes the successful experience of LNG point supply project business model, construction mode, operation mode, investment model, contract model, measurement model, and analyzes the policy environment of LNG point supply project development. Finally, combined with the situation of oil and gas reform in China, the prospect of the development of LNG supply industry is prospected. The lack of norms in construction is expected to be greatly improved in the near future; (2) at the current low oil price level, LNG supply projects are likely to become more widely available; In the long run, pipeline gas should still be the main mode of gas supply. LNG point supply can be used as a supplement to the former, and the target market should be locked in the undeveloped cities and towns, rural areas for gasification of residents. Industrial and commercial user-oriented.
【作者单位】: 中国石油规划总院;中国石油工程设计有限责任公司;中国地质大学(北京);中国石油大学(北京);中广核双闽燃气江苏有限公司;中国石油天然气销售南方分公司;
【正文快照】: 1我国LNG行业发展现状我国LNG资源主要来自于内陆LNG工厂自产和沿海LNG接收站引进。近年来,我国LNG产能建设速度加快,截至2016年12月底,全国LNG工厂累计投产149座(图1),产能达9 220×104 m3/d(约304×108 m3/a),还有19座LNG工厂在建,若全部投运,总液化能力将达1.06×108 m3/d(
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