本文选题:SUV 切入点:Jeep车业务 出处:《南京大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:二十一世纪以来,随着汽车产业的迅猛发展,汽车种类、功能日益增多,SUV这个新名词闪亮登上历史舞台。SUV一问世就受到市场热捧。SUV如此受捧,并非偶然,它是汽车技术不断发展的产物,也是随着生活水平的提高,人们对生活品质追求的结果。现在城市SUV把轿车的舒适性、稳定性、优雅外观和越野车的通过性、越野性、高视野等优点进行完美结合,使得SUV越来越受消费者青睐,鉴于SUV的飞速发展,国内外实力雄厚的知名车企纷纷进军SUV行业,连互联网等非传统汽车企业也加入到竞争队伍中,中国SUV市场竞争越来越激烈。企业如何充分发挥自身核心竞争力,制定正确的竞争战略并且有效地贯彻实施,使得企业能在竞争日益激烈的市场中保持长久竞争优势,已成为各大车企追逐的目标。SUV在中国汽车市场受到都市新兴购车群和二次购车族的偏爱,近几年一跃成为拉动汽车市场增长的主力军,成为乘用车市场中增长最快的车型。据中协汽车网数据,SUV市场占有率已从2006年的4.4%上升到2015年的31.1%,10年时间里市场占有份额提升了 26.7个百分点。在这种形势下,C公司决定重启Jeep国产化项目。Jeep诞生于1940年第二次世界大战时期,当时Jeep作为军用车,充当侦察车、运输车、通勤车等多种角色,它的优越性能受到人们广泛认可和喜爱。随着战争结束,Jeep作为SUV的开创者进入民用,逐渐走进人们日常生活。本文以C公司Jeep车业务为案例原型,使用战略管理相关理论,分析C公司所处的战略地位,研究C公司在SUV汽车垄断竞争市场的竞争战略选择、实施、障碍,并对实施该竞争战略所需要的保障措施进行详细阐述。本文以战略管理相关理论为基础,运用PEST、SWOT、五力模型、价值链、IFE矩阵、EFE矩阵、QSPM矩阵等分析工具,通过对公司的宏观环境、行业环境进行深入透彻的分析,同时结合C公司的实际情况,对公司未来竞争战略进行研究,为公司在竞争激烈的市场中长期保持竞争优势指明方向,同时希望以此为例,为致力于研究公司竞争战略的战略管理者提供一个真实、完整的案例,起到借鉴和指导作用。
[Abstract]:Since the 21 century, with the rapid development of the automobile industry, it is no accident that the new term "vehicle category and function" has been shining on the historical stage, "SUV" was so popular in the market as soon as it came out. It is the product of the continuous development of automobile technology, and also the result of people's pursuit of quality of life with the improvement of living standard. Now the city SUV puts the sedan's comfort, stability, elegant appearance and the passability of off-road vehicle. The perfect combination of high vision and other advantages makes SUV more and more popular with consumers. In view of the rapid development of SUV, domestic and foreign powerful well-known car companies have entered the SUV industry, even non-traditional automobile enterprises such as the Internet have joined the competition team. Chinese SUV market competition is becoming more and more fierce. How to give full play to their core competitiveness, formulate the correct competitive strategy and effectively implement, so that enterprises can maintain long-term competitive advantage in the increasingly competitive market. SUV, which has become the target pursued by major car companies, has been favored by new urban car buyers and secondary car buyers in the Chinese auto market. In recent years, SUV has become the main force driving the growth of the auto market. The market share of SUVs has risen from 4. 4 percent in 2006 to 31. 1 percent in 2015. In 10 years, the market share has risen by 26.7 percent. In this situation, the market share has risen by 26.7 percent. The company decided to restart the Jeep localization project. Jeep was born in 1940 during the second World War. At that time, Jeep as a military vehicle, as a reconnaissance vehicle, transport vehicle, commuter vehicle and other roles, its superior performance was widely recognized and loved. This paper takes C company Jeep car business as the example prototype, uses the strategic management related theory, analyzes the C company's strategic position, studies the C company's competitive strategy choice in the SUV automobile monopoly competition market, carries out. On the basis of the theory of strategic management, this paper uses PEST-SWOT, five-force model, value chain IFE matrix, EFE matrix and QSPM matrix, etc. Through thorough analysis of the macro environment and industry environment of the company, and combining with the actual situation of company C, the paper studies the future competitive strategy of the company, and points out the direction for the company to maintain its competitive advantage in the competitive market for a long time. At the same time, we hope to provide a true and complete case for the managers who are committed to the research of the competitive strategy of the company, and play the role of reference and guidance.
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