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发布时间:2018-04-20 23:26

  本文选题:石油化工码头企业 + 安全标准化 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Petrochemical wharf carries the transfer and storage mission of domestic petrochemical industry and downstream industry products. Because this industry not only has the function of joining and unloading petrochemical products but also undertakes the storage function of petrochemical products, its dual or even multiple functions are destined to the special safety status of petrochemical wharf industry. Once an accident occurs, The serious consequences will be incalculable. This year, the national security authorities again stressed the safety of production "two" work, respectively for standardization and information. Aiming at the problem that the safety management of petrochemical wharf enterprises is not systematic and non-standard, this paper adopts the method of AHP and MATLAB to construct the standardization of safety production, and applies it to Tianjin Port Petrochemical Wharf Company to verify its feasibility. First of all, it analyzes the existing safety production standardization related norms, policy documents and so on, points out that the existing safety production standardization construction related norms and policies in petrochemical wharf enterprises lack, through the investigation of the safety management status of enterprises, This paper analyzes the factors affecting the safety of petrochemical wharf enterprises, which can be divided into human factors, physical factors, environmental factors and management factors, and constructs a standardized framework for the safety production of petrochemical wharf enterprises. Make it run in PDCA mode. Secondly, combined with AHP and MATLAB, the hierarchical structure model of petrochemical wharf enterprise safety production standardization is established, the judgment matrix and consistency verification are established, and the weight coefficient of each level index factor is obtained. Completed the completion of petrochemical wharf enterprise safety production standardization system table. Finally, the target enterprises are evaluated by using the established safety production standardization system of petrochemical wharf, and the feasibility of the index system is verified by an example.


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