本文选题:制造业集群 + 全球价值链 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Under the background of economic globalization, the concept of local is not only playing an increasingly important role in economic development, but also playing a more and more important role in economic development. Therefore, scholars discuss the upgrading of local industrial clusters from the perspective of global value chain. What the local industrial cluster emphasizes is that the geographically concentrated industries produce the related division of labor and cooperation through a certain organizational structure, which is an important way to enhance the regional industrial competitiveness. The theory of global value chain studies the interrelation of different industries in international regional division of labor, which provides a new perspective for industrial cluster upgrading. Based on the analysis of Jiangsu manufacturing cluster, this paper selects the location quotient index to judge the development level of Jiangsu manufacturing cluster and its influencing factors. On this basis, the international competitiveness of Jiangsu manufacturing cluster and its position in global value chain are discussed through the global value chain status index. The research shows that Jiangsu manufacturing cluster is difficult to enter such high value-added links as core independent R & D, brand development and global marketing channels in the process of participating in global value chain. The suppression of global brands and sales terminals in the global market by multinational companies or large international buyers has resulted in a lock on the lower end of the chain and a heavy dependence on the high end. From the perspective of global value chain, the transformation and upgrading of Jiangsu manufacturing cluster is faced with many restrictive factors, such as insufficient R & D investment, weak foreign investment, weakening of labor cost advantage, loss of resources and environment, and so on. In view of these shortcomings, this paper puts forward the specific path of transformation and upgrading of Jiangsu manufacturing cluster based on internal and external linkages.
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