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发布时间:2018-06-17 19:29

  本文选题:页岩气 + 社会影响评价 ; 参考:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The development and utilization of conventional oil and gas resources has been unable to guarantee the long-term energy demand. Shale gas, as an important component of unconventional oil and gas resources, has been paid more and more attention by the state and industry. Since the first shale gas well in Weiyuan, Sichuan province was opened in December 2009, China's shale gas production has been paid more attention by the state and industry. As an important national strategic resource, shale gas development projects have the characteristics of large scale, high investment, large environmental risk and many related industries and stakeholders. In the process of shale gas development decision and implementation, investors and governments tend to pay more attention to the economic benefits brought by the project and the potential of shale gas development. With the development of shale gas industry, people have gradually begun to pay attention to the social impact of shale gas development. At present, the social impact assessment of shale gas development projects in China has been lagging behind in both theoretical and empirical research, which is not conducive to the long-term healthy development of shale gas industry and the realization of the comprehensive benefits of the project and the realization of the project. In this paper, first of all, this paper explains the concept of social impact assessment of shale gas development project from the theoretical research level, expounds the theoretical foundation of the social impact assessment of shale gas development project, including the meaning, special point, function and principle of the social impact assessment of shale gas development project, which lays a theory for the follow-up research. This paper identifies three sources of evaluation indicators: core sources, important sources, reference sources, and jointly constructed the set of indicators. Using four methods of literature research and field research, systematic theoretical analysis, empirical analysis, and frequency quantitative analysis, the social impact of 43 shale gas development projects is selected from the target source set. According to the price index, 40 specific evaluation indexes are selected from the expert score. After induction and deduction, the social impact description evaluation index system and index evaluation index system of shale gas development project are constructed. The former is based on description and analysis, with 1 comprehensive evaluation indexes, 5 sub field evaluation indexes, 15 synthetic evaluation indexes and 40 synthetic evaluation indexes. The specific evaluation index consists of four levels of evaluation indicators. The latter is based on quantitative analysis, which is based on the descriptive evaluation index system, including 1 comprehensive evaluation indexes, 5 sub domain evaluation indexes, 15 specific evaluation indexes, and a total of three levels of evaluation indexes. Based on the linear weighting and function method, the comprehensive evaluation model of social influence on shale gas development project is established by linear weighting and function method. Based on this, the index system of social influence index evaluation of shale gas development project is determined by the analytic hierarchy process and expert consultation method, based on the example of Weiyuan County, Sichuan province. The index system of shale gas development project social impact description evaluation index system and the index system of shale gas development project social impact index evaluation index system are used to evaluate the social influence of shale gas development project. The implementation of shale gas development project has a positive impact on the social development of Weiyuan County as a whole, and also brought about the development of shale gas development project. Some negative and potential threats are mainly reflected in the promotion of the local economic development and the adjustment of the industrial structure, the construction of local political civilization, the improvement of the related policies of shale gas industry, the influence and threat to the natural and human environment, the change of the local government and residents' environmental protection concept, and the benefit of the local society. In the end, the main problems of shale gas development in Weiyuan county are analyzed from the aspects of project information publicity, exploration and development technology and equipment, natural environment protection, the distribution of government interests, understanding of social influence and policy improvement, and some suggestions are put forward to open the shale gas for the development of shale gas. Provide reference for decision-making and implementation.


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