[Abstract]:The purpose of this paper is to study the marketing channel strategies of multinational enterprises in the power tools industry in China. To analyze the channel strategy of different multinational enterprises in power tools industry. In this paper, through the analysis of the external market environment, the internal organizational structure and the staffing of the company, the past business history is analyzed. The root cause of the problem is the conflict between the organizational culture of multinational enterprises and the characteristics of Chinese market. Then using market channel management theory and organizational behavior theory, and using SWOT analysis and causality analysis, combined with the actual situation, to create a new sales channel model, and formulate the corresponding implementation rules and evaluation methods. So as to solve the lack of sales channels in the power tools industry. Through this study, it can be found that when an enterprise exploits the markets of other countries, its subsidiaries should not only study local markets, intermediaries, customers, competitors, etc., but also pay attention to the influence from the successful experience of the parent company. Use policies and guidelines that suit the local market and at the same time give play to your own strengths.
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