[Abstract]:Investment is a kind of resource allocation behavior, which is the root of the existence and growth of enterprises. It will not only affect the creation of enterprise value, but also have a far-reaching impact on the macro economy and capital market. If the enterprise appears unreasonable investment behavior, whether it is overinvestment or underinvestment, it will not only be unfavorable to the long-term development of the enterprise, but also will reduce the utilization efficiency of social resources and have a negative impact on the overall interests of the society. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to and pay attention to the problem of investment efficiency. The governance function of high-quality accounting information can play a positive role in improving investment efficiency. However, earnings management whitewash accounting information, which will lead to asymmetric information and aggravation of agency problems, which will adversely affect the investment efficiency of enterprises. From the perspective of accrual earnings management and real earnings management, this paper discusses how the earnings management behavior implemented by enterprises has an impact on the investment efficiency of enterprises, and on this basis, This paper further discusses whether there are differences in the influence of earnings management on investment efficiency in enterprises with different equity properties. It not only enriches the study of the economic consequences of earnings management, but also provides a theoretical basis for how to improve the investment efficiency of listed companies and optimize the allocation of resources, which is of both theoretical and practical significance. This article uses the normative research method and the empirical research method synthetically. First of all, combing the relevant research results on the nature of equity, earnings management and investment efficiency, and explaining and analyzing the relevant theories, and then theoretically analyzing how earnings management affects the investment efficiency of enterprises. Further analysis of the impact of the nature of equity on the relationship between the two, and then put forward the research hypothesis. Secondly, using the data of A-share manufacturing listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in China from 2011 to 2015, using Richardsor model, modified Jones model and Roychowdhury model to measure investment efficiency, accrual earnings management and real earnings management, respectively. Then take investment efficiency as dependent variable, accrual earnings management and real earnings management as independent variables, equity nature as adjusting variables, and control agency cost, profitability, debt level and other factors to establish a multivariate regression model. Empirical test of the relationship between earnings management and investment efficiency, as well as the regulatory role of equity nature. Finally, based on the conclusions, the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and explains the shortcomings and future prospects of this paper. It is found that both accrual earnings management and real earnings management can reduce the investment efficiency of enterprises. The regulating role of equity is influenced by earnings management (accrual earnings management, real earnings management) and the specific forms of inefficient investment (overinvestment and underinvestment). The correlation between accrual earnings management and investment efficiency is more significant in non-state-owned listed companies. The results show that the positive correlation between accrual earnings management and excessive investment is more significant in non-state-owned listed companies. To some extent, real earnings management has a more significant impact on investment efficiency in state-owned listed companies.
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