[Abstract]:China is a large country in construction machinery manufacturing in the world. However, compared with the construction machinery manufacturing countries such as the United States and Germany, the construction machinery manufacturing industry in our country has a lack of innovation ability, a low level of industrial structure, a large consumption of resources and a low quality benefit. Lean management is an important way for Chinese construction machinery manufacturing enterprises to solve the above problems and realize the transformation and development. It can reverse the extensive development mode of construction machinery manufacturing enterprises in China for a long time and optimize the allocation of resources. To realize lean operation and promote the transformation and upgrading of construction machinery manufacturing industry under the new normal state of economy. Unfortunately, the application time of lean management in Chinese construction machinery manufacturing enterprises is still relatively short, many enterprises in this industry are still in the beginning of lean management, exploring stage, there are still a lot of shortcomings and problems to be solved. There is still a big gap with lean management expectations. On the basis of systematically discussing lean management theory and combining with the actual situation of a construction machinery enterprise-A Company in China, this study analyzes that the current market demand continues to be low. The necessity of implementing lean management in company A in the environment where the problem of waste is prominent and the production efficiency is not high in the process of production is discussed, and how to apply lean theory and method to enterprise management is discussed. The problems existing in the application of lean management are summarized, and the corresponding improvement measures are put forward. The purpose of this study is to help company A establish a set of lean management system suitable for the development of the company, to help the company effectively improve the material flow, information flow and cash flow in the process of production management, and to help company A to reduce the production cost. Reduce waste in production, improve production efficiency and enhance market competitiveness. In general, the main research results of this paper are as follows: first, take A Company, a large domestic construction machinery enterprise, as an example, based on the actual situation of the company, combined with the R & D situation of the company's key projects. Using a variety of lean management tools to analyze the R & D design process of the enterprise; second, according to the actual situation of company A, in-depth discussion on how to improve the measures before the implementation of lean management, and select the low risk. The improvement measures of short time and high output; third, lean management is a continuous improvement measure, aiming at the non-selected improvement measures, we should take some means to optimize the improvement measures to improve the feasibility of the implementation of the improvement measures. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to implement lean management in construction machinery enterprises and how to supervise and evaluate lean management in order to realize the expected goal of lean management.
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