[Abstract]:In view of the bilateral moral hazard between the general contractor and the subcontractor in the general contracting of the project, the fair preference is introduced into the principal-agent model, and the incentive mechanism of the general contractor to the subcontractor is studied, and the effect of the fair preference is analyzed. It is found that fair preference is an important factor in determining the output sharing coefficient and fixed price, and it will change the influence of risk aversion and effort contribution on the output sharing coefficient and the level of effort. Risk aversion and effort contribution also change the influence of fair preference on output sharing coefficient and effort level. Therefore, the general contractor should fully consider the three attributes of risk aversion, fairness preference and effort contribution of the subcontractor, and it is unreasonable to ignore any of these factors.
【作者单位】: 重庆交通大学经济与管理学院;
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