[Abstract]:By constructing the conceptual model of industrial carbon entropy and regional carbon entropy and using the method of data envelopment analysis, this paper discusses the characteristics and optimization path of industrial structure transformation in Xuzhou metropolitan area from 2000 to 2015 from the perspective of low carbon. The main findings are as follows: (1) the proportion of the output value of the preferential development industry in Xuzhou metropolitan area is on the rise, and it has changed from labor-intensive industry to capital industry and technology-intensive industry, and the moderate development industry is dominated by labor-intensive industry. Limiting the development of industries to resources, labor-intensive industries and the proportion of output value declined. In space, the three types of industries are in the core peripheral pattern and the degree of agglomeration is increasing, and the priority industries are gradually reduced from the central city to the peripheral industrial technology gradient. (2) the high efficiency industry of Xuzhou Metropolitan area presents resources. Labor-intensive industries have evolved into labor, capital-intensive industries, and inefficient industries have focused on resources and labor-intensive industries. (3) in the industry, Xuzhou Metropolitan Circle industry can be divided into high-efficiency priority industries. Low efficiency priority industry, high efficiency moderate industry, low efficiency moderate industry, high efficiency limiting industry, low efficiency limiting industry, etc. In space, it can be divided into four regional types: high efficiency priority industry agglomeration region, high efficiency moderate industry agglomeration region, low efficiency limiting industry agglomeration region. On the basis of this, the paper puts forward the adjustment and control path of industrial structure and layout optimization in metropolitan area from two angles of view: industry and space.
【作者单位】: 南京体育学院城市与区域发展研究中心;江苏师范大学地理测绘与城乡规划学院;
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