[Abstract]:Under the traditional delivery mode of construction industry, the project delivery mode needs to be changed because of its different functions and the transfer of risks among each other, as well as the increasing demands of the owners on the project. The emergence of integrated project delivery mode (IPD) has effectively solved this problem. The IPD engineering project team, including the owner, designer and construction side, will intervene in the conceptual design phase to identify the project objectives and open communication and communication at an early stage. Integrate the requirements of all parties to reduce obstacles and reduce the possibility of project change for later construction. In the process of implementing IPD project, only the stakeholders build up the trust relationship, cooperate with each other, share the information resources of the project, share the project risk, and distribute the benefits reasonably. In order to achieve the basic objectives of the project while maximizing the interests of the participants. In order to deeply study the IPD team trust mechanism, based on the relevant literature and expert interviews, combining the differences between the IPD team and the traditional model, this paper constructs the index system and the trust dimension of the IPD project team trust factors. The index system of influencing factors is divided into team trait factors, team interaction factors, team structure factors, the corresponding trust dimension can be determined as cognitive trust, emotional trust, institutional factors, and then put forward the research hypothesis. Establish the IPD project team trust factor model. Finally, the questionnaire is used to collect the data, and the structural equation model is used to process the data, and how the influencing factors affect the trust of the IPD project team and the relationship between the factors are analyzed. Based on the system theory, the trust mechanism of IPD engineering project team is established, and the relevant measures are proposed. This paper discusses the influencing factors of project team trust in IPD mode, establishes the trust mechanism of IPD project team, and provides certain theoretical and practical value for the extension and application of IPD model in our country.
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