[Abstract]:Under the influence of pan-familism in China, Li Jinji Group formed a unique family business governance model with Chinese characteristics, which not only realized the separation of the two rights of the classical corporate governance theory, but also did not completely transfer the control rights to the professional managers. But it effectively avoids the problems of modern company, such as decentralization, internal control, high agency cost and difficulty to avoid external risks. This success is due to Li Jinji's combination of Confucian ethics and organizational rationality of modern market economy and the informal institution of familial trust and family values to strengthen the cultural cohesion of family enterprises. At the same time, the formal system construction is carried out with the western advanced management ideas such as economic rationality and contract spirit, so as to reduce the improper interference of the kinship of Confucian ethics to the enterprise management. Driven by the Confucian values of "Sili and Man", Li Kin-kee developed a decentralized "automatic wave" leadership model, which is an active attempt for local enterprises to explore "rule by doing nothing". Li Jinji's business experience shows that the Confucian ethics of pan-familism and "thinking of profit and man" has positive significance in controlling the nature and infringing behavior of capital, increasing corporate social responsibility and social welfare, and so on. Modern corporate governance and management is not the only American model that can be followed, combining Chinese familial and western managementism, seeking the institutional approach of Confucian ethics to control capital defects. It is possible to develop a family business governance model with Chinese local characteristics and national wisdom.
【作者单位】: 东北财经大学;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金后期项目“管理范式的后现代审视与本土化研究”(14FGL002) 辽宁省教育厅科学研究项目“中国本土组织管理移植的内生机理与经验研究”(W2014208);负责人胡国栋
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