[Abstract]:As China's crude oil exploitation enters the middle and late stages, petrochemical refining enterprises import a large number of low-quality crude oil with high sulfur, high acid, high nitrogen and chlorine, which results in frequent changes in equipment working conditions in the refining process. The failure of flow corrosion, leakage and frequent burst of pipes in high-risk oil refining systems not only affect the production plan and economic benefits of petrochemical enterprises, but also seriously threaten safety, energy conservation and environmental protection. It has become an important obstacle to restrict the sustainable development of the industry and enterprise safety. Firstly, this paper studies the present situation of petroleum refining system supervision in petrochemical enterprises, and then analyzes the development requirements of real-time supervision system, including business requirements, user requirements and functional requirements; Aiming at the shortcomings of the existing system, such as scattered supervision data, weak supervision pertinence and lack of flow corrosion analysis, the whole framework of real-time expert diagnosis and supervision system for mobile corrosion based on. Net development platform is proposed. Then, on the basis of introducing the development technology of the system, including the ActiveX data interaction technology of MySQL database technology, Visual Basic (VB), Aspen Plus process simulation technology, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and .NET Remoting communication technology, etc. The concrete design and realization of expert diagnosis supervision system are expounded. Next, a data-driven soft-sensing model based on fast searching pruning limit learning machine (Fast Search Pruned-Extreme Learning Machine,FSP-ELM) is proposed to solve the problem of poor real-time monitoring of partial corrosion-related factors. It is applied to the soft sensing modeling of air cooler pH value. The test results of standard data set and industrial field history data show that compared with BP (Back Propagation), FSP-BP (Fast Search Pruned-Back Propagation), SVR (Support Vector Regression) and ELM (Extreme Learning Machine) algorithm, the data of standard data set and industrial field history data show that, FSP-ELM algorithm has high prediction accuracy and generalization ability. Finally, the flow corrosion real-time expert diagnosis and supervision system is applied to the real-time supervision of atmospheric pressure tower top system in a refinery. The results show that the system can achieve the expected effect and the performance is good. The data-driven soft-sensing method based on FSP-ELM proposed in this paper can not only be applied to the soft-sensing modeling of air-cooler system, but also provide a new soft-sensing modeling method for other parameters which can not be detected in real-time in petrochemical production. The developed framework of real-time expert diagnosis and supervision system can be applied to the development of various corrosion monitoring platforms for oil refining systems. The monitoring platform can realize dynamic real-time monitoring of plant data, background process simulation, out-of-limit alarm and guidance of measures. The function of historical data query has effective corrosion prevention and control function, and can provide effective early warning and prevention for petrochemical refining enterprises' safety production.
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