[Abstract]:Domestic Shougang, Baosteel, WISCO and Angang are relatively complete in fuel consumption control measures, and the effect of fuel consumption reduction is remarkable. Benxi Iron and Steel Corporation and automobile manufacturers also control, set up and solve key problems of fuel consumption projects with the greatest cost impact, and formulate improvement measures. Therefore, this paper is determined to strengthen the management and control of fuel consumption in Benxi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., to identify the risk factors of fuel consumption control, risk assessment, risk improvement and risk monitoring, and to optimize and improve the process in order to greatly reduce the fuel consumption of mining industry. Through the comparison and selection of the risk analysis methods commonly used at present, it is considered that the scope of control and control of fuel consumption in Benxi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd is relatively large, the control measures are more complicated, and the requirements for reducing fuel consumption are large. Under the premise that the demand analysis of the second phase fuel consumption control information project is not in place, the risk management is carried out: risk planning, risk identification, risk assessment, risk response and risk monitoring. On the basis of a large number of literature, practice and experience investigation, this paper makes a systematic, comprehensive and in-depth analysis and research on the management and control of fuel consumption. The work completed mainly includes the following four aspects: (1) the risk factors are found by making full use of brainstorming method and six thinking caps, and the factor decomposition is carried out by using causality diagram (5M1E). 32 terminal influencing factors were identified. (2) the risk factors were analyzed by using risk matrix to find out the risk factors, and 16 risk influencing factors were identified. According to the FMEA rule, the risk is sorted according to the RPN value, and 14 key and important factors are determined, such as: engine idling, more bends, bad weather and so on. (3) SWOT analysis and decision tree method are used to analyze the risk response. Draw up the countermeasures to deal with the risk of fuel consumption control and control in Benxi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and formulate the measures to control and control fuel consumption according to local conditions. The key risk index management is adopted. (4) the cases of improving the working rate of grate machine and improving the compressive strength and qualified rate of pellets are analyzed, and the effectiveness of the proposed risk management model is verified by an example. Through the comparison of the stage data of the declining fuel consumption index, it is shown that the risk management mode of mining fuel consumption control in Benxi Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has practical maneuverability, effectiveness, systematicness and pertinence, which is of guiding significance to the application of manufacturing risk management.
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