发布时间:2022-10-04 21:36
【文章页数】:230 页
Abstract 摘要 List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.1.1 Manufacturing and innovation environment in Ethiopia
1.1.2 The focus on textile and leather manufacturing
1.2 Scope of the study
1.3 Rationale
1.4 Research problem, objective and research questions
1.5 Research design and methodology
1.6 Contribution and implication
1.6.1 Theoretical implication
1.6.2 Practical implication
1.7 Limitations and further research direction
1.8 Definition of terms
1.9 Organization of the thesis
1.10 Summary Chapter 2: Theoretical foundation
2.1 Theoretical background
2.1.1 Organizational theory, strategy, and innovation Organizational theory The resource-based view theory Innovation and its management Innovation strategy selection
2.1.2 The concept of organizational performance
2.1.3 The role of the business environment
2.1.4 The importance of organizational learning
2.2 Framework development
2.3 Key construct description
2.3.1 Internal environment Organizational climate Human resource competence Business strategy
2.3.2 External environment Political and legal environment National culture Collaboration network
2.4 Organizational learning orientation
2.5 Innovation strategy
2.6 Product innovation performance
2.7 Summary Chapter 3: Hypotheses development
3.1 Business environment and organizational learning orientation
3.2 Organizational learning orientation and innovation strategy
3.3 Organizational learning orientation and innovation performance
3.4 Innovation strategy and innovation performance
3.5 Process and commercial performance
3.6 The mediating role of organizational learning orientation
3.7 The moderating role of sector type and ownership structure
3.7.1 Sector type
3.7.2 Ownership structure
3.8 Summary Chapter 4: Research design and methodology
4.1 Context of the research
4.1.1 Manufacturing and innovation climate in Ethiopia
4.1.2 The direction of the economic policy
4.1.3 Overview of the textile sector
4.1.4 Overview of the leather sector
4.1.5 International trend and its implication for innovation
4.1.6 Competitiveness and innovation climate in Ethiopia
4.2 The research philosophy
4.3 Research methodology
4.3.1 Justification for the selected research methodology
4.3.2 Data source and sampling procedure Sampling plan Sample size
4.4 Instrument design
4.4.1 Measurement scale development Independent variables Intervening variables Dependent variables Control variables
4.4.2 Questionnaire structure, development and testing procedure
4.5 Data collection procedure
4.6 Ethical Consideration
4.7 Summary Chapter 5 Result and discussion
5.1 Primary statistical analysis
5.1.1 Data preparation
5.1.2 Dealing with statistical assumptions
5.2 Descriptive and inferential statistics
5.2.1 Descriptive statistics
5.2.2 Inferential statistics
5.3 Instrument validity and reliability
5.3.1 Instrument validity
5.3.2 Instrument reliability
5.3.3 The structural model
5.3.4 Common method bias
5.4 Overview of the study
5.4.1 General innovation-related information Innovation strategy Source of innovation information R&D related investment Barriers to innovation Technology-push strategy and management dilemma
5.5 Hypotheses testing
5.5.1 Internal business environment and organizational learning orientation
5.5.2 External environment and organizational learning orientation
5.5.3 Organizational learning orientation and innovation strategy
5.5.4 Organizational learning and innovation performance
5.5.5 Innovation strategy and innovation performance
5.5.6 Process and commercial performance
5.5.7 The mediating role of organizational learning orientation
5.5.8 The moderating role of sector type and ownership structure
5.6 Reflection on the findings
5.7 General summary Conclusion, Implication, and future research direction
Theoretical implication
Practical implication
Limitations of the study
Future research direction References Appendix 1: Analysis results Appendix 2: Survey questionnaire Publications Acknowledgements Resume
【文章页数】:230 页
Abstract 摘要 List of Abbreviations and Acronyms Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.1.1 Manufacturing and innovation environment in Ethiopia
1.1.2 The focus on textile and leather manufacturing
1.2 Scope of the study
1.3 Rationale
1.4 Research problem, objective and research questions
1.5 Research design and methodology
1.6 Contribution and implication
1.6.1 Theoretical implication
1.6.2 Practical implication
1.7 Limitations and further research direction
1.8 Definition of terms
1.9 Organization of the thesis
1.10 Summary Chapter 2: Theoretical foundation
2.1 Theoretical background
2.1.1 Organizational theory, strategy, and innovation Organizational theory The resource-based view theory Innovation and its management Innovation strategy selection
2.1.2 The concept of organizational performance
2.1.3 The role of the business environment
2.1.4 The importance of organizational learning
2.2 Framework development
2.3 Key construct description
2.3.1 Internal environment Organizational climate Human resource competence Business strategy
2.3.2 External environment Political and legal environment National culture Collaboration network
2.4 Organizational learning orientation
2.5 Innovation strategy
2.6 Product innovation performance
2.7 Summary Chapter 3: Hypotheses development
3.1 Business environment and organizational learning orientation
3.2 Organizational learning orientation and innovation strategy
3.3 Organizational learning orientation and innovation performance
3.4 Innovation strategy and innovation performance
3.5 Process and commercial performance
3.6 The mediating role of organizational learning orientation
3.7 The moderating role of sector type and ownership structure
3.7.1 Sector type
3.7.2 Ownership structure
3.8 Summary Chapter 4: Research design and methodology
4.1 Context of the research
4.1.1 Manufacturing and innovation climate in Ethiopia
4.1.2 The direction of the economic policy
4.1.3 Overview of the textile sector
4.1.4 Overview of the leather sector
4.1.5 International trend and its implication for innovation
4.1.6 Competitiveness and innovation climate in Ethiopia
4.2 The research philosophy
4.3 Research methodology
4.3.1 Justification for the selected research methodology
4.3.2 Data source and sampling procedure Sampling plan Sample size
4.4 Instrument design
4.4.1 Measurement scale development Independent variables Intervening variables Dependent variables Control variables
4.4.2 Questionnaire structure, development and testing procedure
4.5 Data collection procedure
4.6 Ethical Consideration
4.7 Summary Chapter 5 Result and discussion
5.1 Primary statistical analysis
5.1.1 Data preparation
5.1.2 Dealing with statistical assumptions
5.2 Descriptive and inferential statistics
5.2.1 Descriptive statistics
5.2.2 Inferential statistics
5.3 Instrument validity and reliability
5.3.1 Instrument validity
5.3.2 Instrument reliability
5.3.3 The structural model
5.3.4 Common method bias
5.4 Overview of the study
5.4.1 General innovation-related information Innovation strategy Source of innovation information R&D related investment Barriers to innovation Technology-push strategy and management dilemma
5.5 Hypotheses testing
5.5.1 Internal business environment and organizational learning orientation
5.5.2 External environment and organizational learning orientation
5.5.3 Organizational learning orientation and innovation strategy
5.5.4 Organizational learning and innovation performance
5.5.5 Innovation strategy and innovation performance
5.5.6 Process and commercial performance
5.5.7 The mediating role of organizational learning orientation
5.5.8 The moderating role of sector type and ownership structure
5.6 Reflection on the findings
5.7 General summary Conclusion, Implication, and future research direction
Theoretical implication
Practical implication
Limitations of the study
Future research direction References Appendix 1: Analysis results Appendix 2: Survey questionnaire Publications Acknowledgements Resume