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发布时间:2023-03-22 21:13
  瓦楞纸展示架是POP(Point of purchase)展示架的一种,又称为瓦楞纸板POP,是纸包装产品向广告媒体转型的一种新的应用和尝试.主要运用场合是超市、卖场,主要用途用于产品促销,刺激引导消费和活跃卖场气氛.近十几年中,由于国内外对环保的重视,纸展示架行业发展十分迅速,中国纸展示架出口量逐年增加.然而,近几年由于全球经济复苏缓慢以及国内原材料价格上升和劳动力成本不断上涨,X公司出口量出现少许下滑.在这种复杂多变的市场营销环境中,X公司需要及时调整营销策略,进而提升出口销量。本论文以X公司为研究对象,X公司是以瓦楞纸POP展示架产品为主要产品出口的中小型企业,本文首先对STP理论和4Ps营销组合理论进行了介绍,然后通过近几年的销售数据分析以及通过对所有部门的田野调查,找到X公司目前营销方面存在的产品、价格、促销和渠道方面的问题,接着结合STP理论和4Ps营销组合理论对X公司目前所面临的营销问题进行梳理和分析,最后给出具体的建议,比如差异化报价,增加线上销售和社媒销售等。本论文研究的开展既有助于提升X公司的市场竞争力,为X公司发展提供理论的依据,也可为同行业公司提供一些有益的借鉴

【文章页数】:97 页

Charter 1 Introduction
    1.1 The Background,Purpose and Significance of The Study
        1.1.1 The Background of The Research
        1.1.2 The Purpose of The Research
        1.1.3 The Significance of The Research
    1.2 The Content and Framework of Research
        1.2.1 The Content of The Research
        1.2.2 The Framework of The Research
    1.3 The Research Methodology
        1.3.1 Literature Research Method
        1.3.2 Case Study Method
        1.3.3 Semi-Structured Interview
Charter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Marketing Theory and Application
        2.1.1 STP Theory
        2.1.2 4Ps Marketing Mix Theory
        2.1.3 The Applicability of4Ps Mix Theory
    2.2 Overview of Relevant Literature
        2.2.1 Research on International Marketing Strategy
        2.2.2 Research on Corrugated POP Display Industry
    2.3 Summary
Charter 3 Case Description
    3.1 Introduction to X Company
        3.1.1 Profile of X Company
        3.1.2 Organizational Structure of X Company
    3.2 Introduction to The Overseas Market Environment of X Company
        3.2.1 Prospect of Corrugated POP Display
        3.2.2 Status of X Company's Overseas Market
    3.3 Problems Identified
        3.3.1 X Company Overseas Marketing Data Collection
        3.3.2 X Company Overseas Marketing Existing Problems
Charter 4 Case analysis
    4.1 STP Theory Analysis in Overseas Market
        4.1.1 Market Segmentation
        4.1.2 Market Selection
        4.1.3 Market Positioning
    4.2 Analysis of4Ps Marketing Mix Strategy in Overseas Market
        4.2.1 Analysis on Product Strategy
        4.2.2 Analysis on Price Strategy
        4.2.3 Analysis on Promotion Strategy
        4.2.4 Analysis on Channel Strategy
Charter 5 Suggestions
    5.1 Product Strategy
        5.1.1 Product and Service Strategy
        5.1.2 Product and Brand Strategy
        5.1.3 Product Quality and Innovation Strategy
    5.2 Pricing Strategy
        5.2.1 Quote Differentiation Strategy
        5.2.2 Comprehensive Quotation Strategy
        5.2.3 Quotation Cycle Optimization Strategy
    5.3 Promotion Strategy
        5.3.1 Key Account Management Strategy
        5.3.2 Sales Team Stabilization Strategy
        5.3.3 Fund Optimization Strategy
    5.4 Channel Strategy
        5.4.1 Continue to Consolidate Traditional Channel Strategy
        5.4.2 Develop E-commerce Platform Strategy
        5.4.3 Develop Social Media Strategy
Charter 6 Conclusion
    6.1 Research Summary
    6.2 Research limitations
APPENDIX Interview plan




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