本文关键词:试析我国金融仲裁机制的发展与完善 出处:《上海金融》2011年09期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In "financial securities arbitration arbitration mechanism, Pioneer has gradually spread in China's financial field. With the development of the financial market reforms, China's Financial Arbitration shows specialized financial arbitration institutions widely set up, new features of Financial Arbitration Rules and arbitration procedures with independent financial dispute resolution requirements. However, the current financial arbitration mechanism in the professional and efficient is insufficient. These problems can be through the establishment of professional, high efficiency as the basic principle, types of financial disputes and set the corresponding rules of arbitration, the merger process, to improve the combination of online arbitration and the introduction of ad hoc arbitration and other measures.
【作者单位】: 复旦大学;
【正文快照】: 一、金融仲裁在我国的产生与发展本文认为所谓金融仲裁是指金融机构、自然人和其他组织等金融主体,根据金融仲裁协议或有关规定,将在金融交易活动中发生的民商事金融法律关系纠纷,提交约定或者规定的“非司法性质”第三者,由其对金融争议所涉权利义务作出裁决的一种金融纠纷
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