发布时间:2018-01-24 09:38
本文关键词: 环境规制 产业集聚 FDI 出处:《南京大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:伴随着经济全球化的是区域间吸引外商直接投资竞争的加剧,中国作为外资热衷的流入国,经历了三十多年的高速经济增长,形成了外商投资主要集中于东部沿海地区、向中西部地区递减的区域投资格局。在各地区发展提升过程中,我们发现广东、江苏等地出现了有计划地减少污染型产业引入的现象,即“腾笼换鸟”:与此同时在中国中西部地区出现了某些产业的“承接转移”。本文以这两种现象的出现为切入口,文章主旨在于探讨由FDI引起的产业集聚在区域间的转移机制问题。 首先,本文阐述了目前我国FDI发展的现状与特征,包括:出现的“腾笼换鸟”、“承接转移”的新情况;仍然保持快速增长的势头;带有的区域集聚性:各地区政府为吸引FDI的优惠政策;FDI流入对我国产业结构、区域经济结构的不利影响。接着,本文根据分析的这些现状特征,联系产业转移理论与FDI区位选择理论,发现地方政府行为在FDI引起的产业区域间转移过程中起着举足轻重的作用。进过模型推理发现,地方政府的行为机制体现在:第一,它在分配有限的自身投入时更倾向于以直接的方式提高经济水平,原因在于,相对而言,优质的环境建设对经济增长的贡献是间接的;第二,处于经济发展不同阶段的各地方政府的行为是不一样的,当地方居民的收入越高时,地方政府越重视环境治理等公共品的投入,越不会一味追求GDP的增长。 随后,本文通过核心解释变量——地方政府的环境规制强度(衡量地方政府行为)和地区集聚水平(衡量地方产业集聚程度)来构建计量模型,解释各地区对FDI吸引力问题。将全国及东、中、西部数据带入验证之后,我们更加确信:各地方政府的行为机制在不同的经济发展时段是不一样的,在经济发展水平较低的时候,地方政府和居民急需通过招商引资来发展地方经济,提高收入,提升工业化水平,因此他们能够接受当地生态环保质量一定限度内的下降;当地方经济“跻身”较发达水平后,相对富裕的地方居民从收入水平提高带来的边际效用逐渐降低,从环境质量改善带来的边际效用逐渐增强,所以在这一阶段,地方政府面对不断攀升的污染治理成本以及自身经济实力的增强,对环境污染型企业逐渐采取了摒弃的态度。因此,以本文的视角,“腾笼换鸟”、“承接转移”是处于不同发展阶段的地方政府的“理性”选择。最后,文章提出了希望有效监督规范地方政府行为;优化引资结构、提升外资产业层次;明确自身区域定位、发展各有侧重;积极鼓励中国企业“走出去”的政策建议。
[Abstract]:With the economic globalization is among regions to attract foreign direct investment inflows in the keen competition, China as foreign capital, has experienced thirty years of rapid economic growth, the formation of foreign investment is mainly concentrated in the eastern coastal areas, regional investment patterns decline to the Midwest. Development in various regions in the process of ascension, we found in Guangdong Jiangsu and other places, the polluting industries into the phenomenon, namely "tenglonghuanniao": at the same time in the Midwest Chinese appeared in some industries "undertake the transfer". This paper takes these two phenomena as the entrance, the subject of this article is to explore the mechanism of metastasis caused by FDI Industrial Agglomeration in the regional problems.
First of all, this paper expounds the present situation and features of the current development of China's FDI including: the emergence of the "bird cage", "undertake new transfer"; still maintain the momentum of rapid growth; agglomeration with regional regional government to attract the preferential policies of FDI; FDI into the industrial structure of our country and the adverse effects of the regional economic structure. Then, based on the present characteristics, choice of industrial transfer theory and the theory of FDI location, found that the regional industrial transfer process of local government behavior in FDI caused by inter plays an important role. In the model of reasoning, behavior mechanism of local government is reflected in: first in it, the allocation of limited self investment tends to be more direct way to improve the economic level, the reason is that relatively speaking, the quality of the construction environment is indirect contribution to economic growth; second. The behavior of local governments at different stages of economic development is different. When the incomes of local residents are higher, the more attention the local governments invest in public goods such as environmental governance, the less they will pursue GDP growth.
Then, through the core variables -- the strength of environmental regulation of local government (a measure of the local government act) and the local industrial agglomeration (a measure of the local industrial agglomeration degree) to construct the measurement model to explain the region of the FDI. The attraction and the East, in the west, after the data to verify, we are more convinced: behavior mechanism the local government is not the same in different periods of economic development, in the relatively low level of economic development, the local government and residents in need through investment in the development of the local economy, increase income, improve the level of industrialization, so they can take down the local ecological environmental quality to a certain extent; when the local economy "among the" the more developed level, relatively affluent local residents from the income level of the marginal utility has gradually decreased, improve the marginal utility brought by the environmental quality Increased gradually, so at this stage, the local government in the face of the rising cost of pollution and enhance their economic strength, environmental pollution enterprises gradually taken away the attitude. Therefore, this paper from the perspective of "tenglonghuanniao", "undertake the transfer" is selected in the different stages of development of the local the government's "rational". Finally, this paper puts forward the effective supervision to regulate the behavior of local government; optimize the investment structure, enhance the level of foreign industry; its regional development orientation, each focusing on Chinese; actively encourage enterprises "going out" of the policy recommendations.
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