本文关键词: 农村金融 责任政府 政府责任 市场失灵 政府失灵 出处:《华中师范大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:农业是国民经济的基础,金融是现代经济的核心。在市场经济条件下,“三农”问题的解决离不开现代金融的有力支持。在中国社会经济转型时期,农村金融的改革和发展,面临着一个前所未有的机遇。 长期以来虽然我国政府采取限制利率、信贷配给等政策直接干预农村金融市场,但金融资源通过强制性配置,流向了工业与城市,金融对农村经济的发展作用十分有限。而且我国的农村金融市场又是一个不完全的市场,外部性、垄断和信息不对称等“市场失灵”因素大量充斥其中,利用价格的自动调节机制无法使资源配置达到最优状态。这时就需要政府发挥主动性,以合理的方式介入农村金融市场,为进一步深化农村金融改革提供有力的外部环境。 本文以“责任”为援引,以政府与市场的关系为主线,合理界定了“市场失灵”与“政府失灵”的科学含义,谋求二者之间的耦合,探索一条最佳的路径,进而促进农村金融发展中政府责任的构建。具体内容如下: 第一部分主要分析了责任、责任政府和政府责任三者的基本涵义,并对其作出明确的界定。在责任理念的指导下,提出责任政府的任务是构建一个法治、有限、透明和服务的政府,进而在此基础上指出经济法视阈下的政府责任要求政府做到:角色不得错位、利益不得冲突以及人人可被问责。 第二部分通过介绍几种典型的农村金融组织,说明我国为了促进农村金融发展,不仅积极改革已有的农村金融机构,还大力支持新型农村金融机构的发展,但最后发现功亏一篑,归根结底是因为建立在二元经济结构上的农村金融存在“市场失灵”和“政府失灵”。 第三部分通过进一步分析,指出由于农村金融市场外部性和拓荒成本高,加之农户的弱势心理和强依赖,政府就成为纠正“市场失灵”的最佳选择。同时,为了防止政府自身造成新的失灵,这就需要界定政府职能,引入竞争机制,合理防范风险,有效推进农村金融的发展。 第四部分基于不完全竞争理论的视角,构建农村金融发展中政府责任的基本原则,以此为契机,提出政府的责任是健全相关法律法规,建立规范有序的市场准入与退出机制,加强金融监管,完善风险分散与补偿机制,为农村金融发展提供制度、程序和风险保障,进而形成多元化的农村金融服务体系。
[Abstract]:Agriculture is the foundation of national economy and finance is the core of modern economy. Under the condition of market economy, the solution of "agriculture, countryside and farmers" can not be solved without the support of modern finance. In the period of China's social and economic transformation, the reform and development of rural finance, Faced with an unprecedented opportunity. For a long time, although our government directly interfered with the rural financial market by restricting interest rates and rationing credit, the financial resources flow to industry and cities through compulsory allocation. The effect of finance on the development of rural economy is very limited. Moreover, the rural financial market of our country is an incomplete market, which is full of market failure factors such as externality, monopoly and information asymmetry. It is necessary for the government to take the initiative to intervene in the rural financial market in a reasonable way and to provide a strong external environment for further deepening the rural financial reform. Based on the reference of "responsibility" and the relationship between government and market, this paper reasonably defines the scientific meaning of "market failure" and "government failure", seeks the coupling between them, and explores the best way. In order to promote the construction of government responsibility in rural financial development, the specific contents are as follows:. The first part mainly analyzes the basic meaning of responsibility, responsible government and government responsibility, and defines them clearly. Under the guidance of the concept of responsibility, the task of responsible government is to construct a rule of law, which is limited. Transparent and service-oriented government, on the basis of which it is pointed out that the government's responsibility under the economic law requires that the government must not be misplaced, that there should be no conflict of interests, and that everyone should be held accountable. The second part, by introducing several typical rural financial organizations, shows that in order to promote the development of rural finance, China not only actively reforms the existing rural financial institutions, but also vigorously supports the development of new rural financial institutions. In the end, however, it was found that the failure of rural finance was due to the existence of "market failure" and "government failure" in rural finance based on dual economic structure. The third part, through further analysis, points out that the government is the best choice to correct "market failure" because of the high externality of rural financial market and the high pioneer cost, as well as the weak psychology and strong dependence of farmers. In order to prevent the government from causing the new failure, it is necessary to define the government function, introduce the competition mechanism, prevent the risks reasonably, and effectively promote the development of rural finance. The 4th part is based on the perspective of incomplete competition theory to construct the basic principles of government responsibility in rural financial development. At the same time, the author points out that the responsibility of government is to perfect the relevant laws and regulations, and to establish a standardized and orderly market access and exit mechanism. Strengthen financial supervision, perfect risk dispersion and compensation mechanism, provide system, procedure and risk guarantee for rural financial development, and then form a diversified rural financial service system.
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