本文选题:金融信托 + 信托产品 ; 参考:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:在我国,信托业作为新兴的产业之一,从我国现阶段的经济发展情况来看,信托业的发展具有极为巨大的生命、潜力和空间。目前房地产信托作为我国信托业的主要构成产品,一直都对信托业的发展有巨大的推动作用。由于受到了我国传统文化以及经济体制等因素的影响制约,因而人们对于房地产信托的认识普遍不够,也缺乏对房地产信托投资产品、组织机构以及定价机制的基本功能及作用的应有认识,从而导致了社会公众和投资者参与、支持我国信托业发展的力度普遍不够。因此,深入研究我国房地产信托的定价机制,促使社会公众和投资者深入了解、掌握和参与信托,对整个信托业发展显得意义重大而深远。 本文研究内容共分五章,主要如下:第一章,绪论。主要是分析了研究背景、目的及意义,并从国内外阐述了相关的研究现状,阐述了研究思路、内容及方法,指出了论文研究可能的创新之处及不足。第二章,国内外研究综述。主要是从国内外两个方面,全面深入地对信托产品及其定价机制进行阐述、分析与研究。第三章,信托业概述。主要是介绍项目的基本内容、信托的含义及构成要素、信托基本原理、国外信托业的发展。第四章,我国信托产品的定价机制实证分析与研究。主要内容包括我国信托产品定价机制研究的必要性、基本内涵、决定机制、研究模型以及有关实证等进行分析研究。第五章,结论与建议。通过前面的分析、研究,得出相应的研究结论,并进一步阐述后续研究的重点及方向等,提出相应的对策与建议。 在新的形势下,发展我国信托业及其产品、定价机制等,就必须紧紧抓住机遇,优化环境,发挥优势。同时,又要不断优化信托企业的内部结构,最大限度地促进我国信托业的全面快速健康发展。此外,还要充分学习、借鉴国际信托业发展的成功经验及做法,积极研究制定符合我国信托业实际的发展策略,找准市场,明确定位,大力开展具有针对性的信托业务,逐步形成和发展具有中国特色的信托产业及定价机制。只有如此,我国信托业才能在激烈的市场竞争中处于不败之地,并能够同金融业、保险业和证券业共同协调发展。
[Abstract]:In China, trust industry as one of the emerging industries, from the current economic development of China, the development of trust industry has a huge life, potential and space.At present, as the main product of the trust industry in our country, the real estate trust has been a great impetus to the development of the trust industry.Because of the influence of the traditional culture and economic system of our country, people generally do not know enough about the real estate trust, and also lack the investment product of the real estate trust.The basic functions and functions of the organization and pricing mechanism should be recognized, which leads to the participation of the public and investors, and it is generally insufficient to support the development of trust industry in China.Therefore, it is of great significance for the development of trust industry to deeply study the pricing mechanism of real estate trust in our country, to urge the public and investors to understand, master and participate in the trust.This paper is divided into five chapters, mainly as follows: chapter one, introduction.This paper mainly analyzes the background, purpose and significance of the research, and expounds the current research situation at home and abroad, expounds the research ideas, contents and methods, and points out the possible innovations and shortcomings of the research in this paper.The second chapter, domestic and foreign research summary.This paper mainly expounds, analyzes and studies trust products and pricing mechanism from two aspects at home and abroad.The third chapter is an overview of the trust industry.It mainly introduces the basic contents of the project, the meaning and constituent elements of the trust, the basic principle of the trust, and the development of the trust industry abroad.Chapter four, empirical analysis and research on pricing mechanism of trust products in China.The main contents include the necessity, the basic connotation, the decision mechanism, the research model and the empirical analysis of the pricing mechanism of trust products in China.Chapter V, conclusions and recommendations.Through the previous analysis and research, the corresponding research conclusions are drawn, and the emphasis and direction of the follow-up research are further expounded, and the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.Under the new situation, the development of trust industry and its products, pricing mechanism and so on, we must seize the opportunity, optimize the environment and give play to the advantages.At the same time, it is necessary to optimize the internal structure of trust enterprises to promote the overall rapid and healthy development of trust industry.In addition, we should learn fully, draw lessons from the successful experiences and practices of the development of the international trust industry, actively study and formulate development strategies that are in line with the actual trust industry in our country, find the right market, clearly position ourselves, and vigorously carry out targeted trust business.Gradually form and develop the trust industry with Chinese characteristics and pricing mechanism.Only in this way, the trust industry of our country can be in an invincible position in the fierce market competition, and can coordinate the development with the finance industry, the insurance industry and the securities industry.
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