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发布时间:2018-04-20 11:07

  本文选题:供应链金融 + SWOT ; 参考:《中国海洋大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:供应链金融这一新的信贷方式,正在逐渐成为国内银行眼中的香饽饽。与以往的信贷不同,融资对象的财务状况不再是作为信用评价的唯一标准,置于供应链这一动态的环境来进行考虑是供应链金融业务的最大特色。中小企业能够借助于与供应链上核心企业之间稳定、良好的贸易关系,为自己的信用增值加分,这将大大缓解中小企业融资难的局面。而银行通过开展此项业务拓宽了原来以大型企业为主的客户群,“资源丰富”的中小企业市场为银行创造了一个新的利润增长机会。尤其是对于一些中小型银行来说,在有限的大型企业资源中几乎达到80%以上是被大型国有银行所掌握,因此在优质客户的争夺中,它们是明显处于不利地位的,这就使得通过改善业务结构、增加金融产品创新来扩大新的客户对象就成为必要。有需求,就会有发展,平安银行(原深发展)2001年开始涉及供应链金融业务,这也是严格意义上国内现代供应链金融业务的最新尝试。在利益的驱动下,供应链金融业务在我国获得了迅速发展,截止到目前上市的16家银行全都开展了此项业务,并逐步发展自身的品牌业务特色,其他银行机构也纷纷加入其中。但是,在高速发展的过程中也遇到了一些阻碍以及面临着新的风险。 平安银行的前身——原深发展(深圳发展银行)作为国内供应链金融业务的最先开创者,与其他一些后起加入的银行照搬的做法不同,对于供应链金融这项业务有着自身逐渐发展的过程,在整个行业中业务水平也是处于前列,因此对其具体业务的研究是具有重大意义的。继而本文选用平安银行为研究对象,通过在对供应链金融业务在实际操作中(主要是涉及业务模式与风险这两方面)的分析,以期对供应链金融业务进行进一步的了解。 本文主要包含了四部分的内容,首先分析了供应链金融这一新型的金融服务的产生是基于国内中小企业融资需求巨大以及中小型银行希望通过转型、发展新的盈利增长点这双重的背景。之后,从供应链金融模式、风险这两个角度对现有的研究现状进行了详细的分析,发现目前的研究多停留在理论上,对银行实际中的操作的文献并不多,因此对银行供应链金融业务的实践研究分析是具有重大意义的;其后,本文选用平安银行为研究对象,先对其自身情况进行了简单的介绍以及其供应链金融业务的发展历程进行了梳理,,之后采用SWOT分析法,对目前平安银行供应链金融业务的现状进行了一个分析,提出未来应该采用增长型的发展战略;再将平安银行供应链金融现有的产品分为三类模式,对不同模式下的具体业务表现形式、特点以及操作中存在的风险进行了详细地分析。最后再结合平安银行自身的特点,提出了风险防范的一些改进建议。
[Abstract]:Supply chain finance, a new form of credit, is becoming a hot spot in the eyes of domestic banks. Different from the credit in the past, the financial condition of the financing object is no longer the only criterion of credit evaluation, and it is the biggest characteristic of the supply chain financial business to be considered in the dynamic environment of supply chain. With the help of stable and good trade relationship with the core enterprises in the supply chain, small and medium-sized enterprises can add value to their credit, which will greatly alleviate the financing difficulties of SMEs. By carrying out this business, banks broaden the customer base that used to be dominated by large enterprises, and the "resource-rich" small and medium-sized enterprises market creates a new opportunity for banks to increase their profits. Especially for some small and medium-sized banks, almost 80% of the limited resources of large enterprises are controlled by large state-owned banks, so they are obviously at a disadvantage in the competition for high-quality customers. This makes it necessary to expand new clientele by improving business structure and increasing financial product innovation. If there is demand, there will be development. Ping an Bank (original and Shenzhen Development) began to involve supply chain financial business in 2001, which is also the latest attempt of domestic modern supply chain financial business in strict sense. Driven by interests, the supply chain financial business has developed rapidly in China. Up to now, all the 16 banks listed on the market have carried out this business, and gradually developed their own brand business characteristics, and other banking institutions have joined in one after another. However, in the process of high-speed development also encountered some obstacles and face new risks. As the first pioneer of domestic supply chain finance business, the predecessor of Ping an Bank, the Shenzhen Development Bank (Shenzhen Development Bank), is different from other banks that have joined the bank since then. The business of supply chain finance has its own gradual development process, and the business level is also in the forefront of the whole industry, so the study of its specific business is of great significance. Then this article chooses Ping an Bank as the research object, through the analysis of the supply chain financial business in the actual operation (mainly involves the business model and the risk two aspects), in order to carry on the further understanding to the supply chain finance business. This paper mainly includes four parts. Firstly, this paper analyzes the emergence of supply chain finance, which is a new type of financial service, based on the huge financing needs of domestic SMEs and the small and medium-sized banks' wish to pass the transformation. The dual background of developing new profit growth points. After that, from the perspective of supply chain finance model and risk, the paper makes a detailed analysis of the current research situation, and finds that the current research mostly stays in theory, and there is not much literature on the operation of banks in practice. Therefore, it is of great significance to study and analyze the banking supply chain financial business. Then, this paper chooses Ping an Bank as the research object. Firstly, it introduces its own situation and the development course of its supply chain financial business. Then it analyzes the current situation of Ping an Bank's supply chain financial business by using SWOT analysis method. The paper puts forward that the future should adopt the growth strategy, and divides the existing products of the supply chain finance of Ping an Bank into three kinds of models, and analyzes in detail the specific business manifestation, characteristics and risks existing in the operation of the different modes. Finally, combined with the characteristics of Ping an Bank itself, put forward some suggestions for risk prevention.


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