发布时间:2018-04-21 14:13
本文选题:大型商业银行 + 国际化 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:目前,中国银行业正处于战略转型和快速国际化发展阶段。中国银行业需优化资产质量,提供优质产品和金融服务,改造业务流程,完善银行治理机制,提高商业银行综合经营效益,进一步降低成本投入和资本消耗,转外延粗放式增长为内涵集约化增长,将规模与增长、风险与收益、稳健与创新、本土化与国际化等方面全盘结合起来,从银行治理机制上引导和规范中国银行业基于长期优质增长而非规模粗放扩张,真正做到经营方式的转变。中国银行业全球化布局需加快,在全球范围内要敢于直面与各国大型商业银行开展全面的业务竞争,进一步提高中国银行业国际化程度和国际竞争力,实现中国银行业从“大”到“强”的转变。 对国际银行业来说,改革、兼并、重组一直是其主要的发展旋律,更是一流大型商业银行阶梯式成长的基本路径。金融危机和欧债危机后,欧美诸国或对危机银行部分股权国有化,或注资银行业,或大银团之间业务重组,或资金充沛、经营尚可的银行收购濒临倒闭的银行,以此来推动银行业的改革和发展。对于新兴市场国家来说,则抓住经济强势增长的机遇,不断深化和推进银行业改革,以此来降低经营成本,提高经营效率,并加速拓展海外业务和机构布局,如中国、巴西、南非、俄罗斯等国商业银行业。面对金融全球化及国际银行业的深刻变革,中国大型商业银行要转变依靠国家金融政策保护和外延粗放式的发展思路,深切地认识到提高银行经营水平、国际化经营程度和国际竞争力的迫切性。 随着中国银行业经营自主权的扩大、利率市场化的推进、金融脱媒发展的态势、资本和货币市场的快速发展,以及金融体制其他方面的深化改革,在竞争性的国际银行业市场中,中国商业银行需要能够持续地比外资银行更有效率地向金融市场提供现代金融产品和服务,并获得持续的盈利和自我发展的综合能力。采取多种措施提高中国银行业的资金效率和资本充足率、改善银行治理机制、坚持市场主导和创新发展的经营原则,建立起具有强大竞争力的国际一流大型商业银行是中国商业银行业改革与发展的方向。 对中国大型商业银行国际竞争力的研究是一项充满创造性的工程,不仅是对已有研究成果的全面整合和补充,更能够为商业银行业国际竞争力领域的进一步研究指明路径;不仅为大型商业银行制定异质性的竞争策略、提升自身的经营管理水平和国际竞争力提供理论依据,也能够为政府部门(央行、银监部门等)的宏观决策、政策制定和监督管理提供综合性的评价标准和理论依据。构建中国大型商业银行国际竞争力评价指标体系,对中国大型商业银行国际竞争力各因子要素进行实证检验,能够较为明晰地了解决定中国大型商业银行国际竞争力的关键因素。在面对一流国际大型商业银行强有力的外部竞争时,中国大型商业银行能够有效地做出理性的应对措施,巩固和发展自有市场、客户和业务,并逐步迈入国际一流商业银行的队列。同时,能够为中国大型企业走出去和海外投资战略服务,有利于我国经济稳定发展和全球影响力提升。科学而全面地评价中国大型商业银行的国际竞争力具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。 选取英国《The Banker》以一级资本排名全球前50强大型商业银行(剔除高盛集团和摩根士丹利两家投资银行)和另外5家中国股份制商业银行作为研究样本,借鉴国内外学者关于企业(特别是商业银行)竞争力、核心竞争力、国际竞争力的大量文献、资料及研究方法,进而较为全面而准确地界定商业银行国际竞争力的概念和评价体系。整个研究分为8个部分:第一部分,介绍论文选题的背景、选题的意义、主要的研究内容和方法,文章主要创新点及不足;第二部分,介绍商业银行竞争力的理论基础,对研究的基础概念予以说明,对国内外学者研究成果进行全面的梳理和评述;第三部分,介绍商业银行国际竞争力的评价实践和构成要素;第四部分,介绍中国大型商业银行的历史沿革、国际化进程、外资银行在中国的发展现状;第五部分,介绍各国商业银行的历史沿革、发展现状、国际化经营现状及其国际竞争力强弱;第六部分,介绍大型商业银行国际竞争力:国际比较与经验借鉴,并对国际银行业绩效与混业经营、竞争环境的关系进行实证检验,得出混业经营和国际化发展对于提升中国商业银行国际竞争力是有益的结论,重点探讨了大型商业银行国际化发展模式的类型和其国际化发展的经验借鉴:第七部分,中国大型商业银行国际竞争力的国际比较,从理论框架出发、介绍研究样本和评价指标选取、指标标准化及模型的建立。介绍大型商业银行国际竞争力排名、各具体指标细项得分,并为提高中国大型商业银行国际竞争力进行了理论上分析。第八部分,介绍研究的主要结论和建议。 通过理论的演绎和实证的研究,本文的主要结论为:首先,中国大型商业银行进入了新的发展阶段,已经成为国际银行业重要的参与者;其次,中国大型商业银行优势国际竞争力取决于其高盈利性和规模增长优势明显,包括总资产收益率较高、资本收益率较高和经营成本较低等三个方面的优势明显;再次,中国银行业的另外一个重要表现就是,通过国家注资国有商业银行、组建新型股份制商业银行和城市商业银行、大力引入国外战略投资者、IPO募资和扩股再融资、政策保护下的高额盈利、内生性跨越式发展和行业内并购整合等手段并举,中国银行业的资本实力迅速增强;另外,中国银行业的整体风险管理能力需要加强,经营的稳健性需要进一步的提高;最后,中国银行业的国际化程度不高、品牌竞争力不强,在国际银行业市场难以俘获国外客户的信心。 进一步提高中国大型商业银行国际竞争力,中国大型商业银行在参与国际银行业的竞争中要做好以下几个方面:(1)树立全球意识,全面参与国际竞争;(2)坚持创新发展,保证稳定盈利水平;(3)加强基础设施,提升管理体系效率;(4)实现综合经营,提供全能银行服务;(5)整合业务流程,打造强大银行品牌。另外,在国际银行业的排名中,中国银行业竞争力得分逐年上升,竞争实力逐步提升,但竞争实力上升趋势能不能持久,还得看中国银行业国际化进程的进和自身业务发展模式的转变。
[Abstract]:At present , China ' s banking industry is in strategic transformation and fast international development stage . China ' s banking needs to optimize the quality of assets , provide high - quality products and financial services , transform the business process , improve the bank governance mechanism , improve the comprehensive management efficiency of commercial banks , further reduce the investment and capital consumption , improve the comprehensive management efficiency of the commercial banks , further reduce the investment in scale and growth , the risks and benefits , sound and innovation , localization and internationalization .
For the international banking industry , the reform , merger and reorganization have been the main development melody , and it is the basic path of the ladder growth of the first - class commercial banks .
With the expansion of China ' s banking business autonomy , the promotion of interest rate liberalization , the rapid development of capital and money market , the rapid development of capital and money market , and the deepening reform of financial system , China ' s commercial banks need to be able to provide modern financial products and services more efficiently than foreign banks in the competitive international banking market .
The research on the international competitiveness of China ' s large commercial banks is a creative project , not only the comprehensive integration and supplement of the existing research results , but also the further study of the path in the field of international competitiveness of commercial banks ;
In the face of the strong external competition of the first - class international commercial banks , China ' s large commercial banks can effectively make rational response measures to consolidate and develop their own markets , customers and businesses , and gradually enter the queue of international first - class commercial banks .
In this paper , the concept and evaluation system of the international competitiveness of commercial banks are defined comprehensively and accurately by using a large number of literatures , materials and research methods about the competitiveness , core competence and international competitiveness of enterprises ( especially commercial banks ) . The whole research is divided into 8 parts : Part I , introduces the background of the paper selection , the significance of the selection , the main research contents and methods , the main innovations of the articles and deficiencies ;
The second part introduces the theoretical foundation of the commercial bank ' s competitiveness , explains the basic concept of the research , and makes a comprehensive analysis and comment on the domestic and foreign scholars ' research results ;
The third part introduces the evaluation practice and constituent elements of the international competitiveness of commercial banks ;
The fourth part introduces the historical evolution of China ' s large commercial banks , the internationalization process and the development of foreign banks in China ;
The fifth part introduces the historical evolution of the commercial banks , the present situation of development , the current situation of international operation and the strength and weakness of its international competitiveness ;
The sixth part introduces the international competitiveness of large commercial banks : international comparison and experience reference , and empirically tests the relationship between international banking performance and mixed operation and competitive environment .
Through theoretical deduction and empirical research , the main conclusions of this paper are as follows : First , China ' s large commercial banks have entered a new stage of development , which has become an important participant in international banking ;
Secondly , the advantage international competitiveness of China ' s large commercial banks depends on its advantages of high profitability and scale growth , including higher yield of total assets , higher capital yield and lower operating cost .
Thirdly , the other important performance of China ' s banking industry is that through the state - owned commercial banks , a new joint - stock commercial bank and urban commercial bank are set up to introduce foreign strategic investors , IPO - raising and refinancing , high - level profitability under the protection of policies , the development of domestic and domestic mergers and acquisitions , and the rapid increase in the capital strength of China ' s banking sector ;
In addition , the overall risk management capability of China ' s banking industry needs to be strengthened , and the robustness of operation needs to be further improved ;
Finally , the internationalization of China ' s banking industry is low and the brand competitiveness is weak , and it is difficult to capture the confidence of foreign customers in the international banking market .
To further improve the international competitiveness of China ' s large commercial banks , China ' s large commercial banks should make the following aspects in their participation in international banking : ( 1 ) Set up global awareness and participate in international competition ;
( 2 ) Insist on the development of innovation and ensure the stable profit level ;
( 3 ) Strengthen the infrastructure and improve the efficiency of management system ;
( 4 ) realizing comprehensive management and providing all - energy banking services ;
( 5 ) To integrate business process and build strong bank brand . In addition , in the ranking of international banking industry , China ' s banking competitiveness scores increased year by year , and the competitive strength gradually increased , but the trend of competitive strength could not be sustained , and the transformation of China ' s banking internationalization process and its own business development mode should be seen .
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