本文选题:金融资源错配 + 技术进步 ; 参考:《哈尔滨商业大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In March 2007, the financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States spread rapidly around the world, and after the outbreak of such a global financial crisis, the economies of various countries experienced varying degrees of malaise and recession. The outbreak of the financial crisis also makes scholars in various countries focus on the development, allocation and utilization of financial resources. Scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on this problem. Most of them are looking at financial instruments, financial intermediation, financial markets, and the relationship between the emergence and development of the financial system and technological progress. The other part is to study the financial system arrangement of technological progress from the perspective of financial function. After the emergence of the concept of financial mismatch, a few scholars study technological progress from the perspective of financial mismatch. Their research shows that financial mismatch hinders technological progress, but does not involve the measurement of the effect of financial mismatch on technological progress. Motivation and path and other specific issues. Based on the background of financial mismatch, this paper studies the problem of technological progress, on the basis of relevant theory, from the point of view of how financial mismatch technology progress, through the relevant normative analysis. This paper studies the formation mechanism of financial mismatch and its influence on regulation, constructs the technological progress model under the condition of financial mismatch through empirical analysis, and puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on how to eliminate financial mismatch. The main contents of this paper are as follows: first, based on the background that Chinese financial mismatch hinders the progress of technology, through combing and summing up the relevant literature, this paper analyzes the resource mismatch, financial mismatch, factor distortion, technological progress. Total factor productivity and other core concepts are defined and differentiated. Secondly, to find out the current situation and formation mechanism of financial mismatch affecting technological progress, and to normalize the problem that financial mismatch affects technological progress: to some extent, ownership structure of our country affects financial mismatch and then hinders technological progress. This affects the long-term motive force of our country economy development. Thirdly, on the basis of normative analysis, using the knowledge of econometrics and using Stata software, this paper makes an empirical analysis of the collected data: according to the ownership structure of industrial enterprises in China, the annual panel data from 2009-2014 are used. The level of technological progress is measured by innovative methods, and the empirical analysis of stochastic effect model is carried out to verify the influence of financial mismatch and other factors on technological progress in China. Finally, on the basis of normative analysis and empirical analysis, the author puts forward countermeasures and suggestions to optimize the allocation of financial resources, to improve the speed and efficiency of technological progress and practical productivity, and finally to promote long-term economic development.
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