发布时间:2018-04-24 17:02
本文选题:美国 + 金融机构 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:洗钱是指明知是犯罪所得及其产生的收益,通过各种方法掩饰、隐瞒犯罪所得及其收益的来源和性质的犯罪行为。洗钱已发展成为人类社会生活中的一颗毒瘤,严重扭曲了正常的经济金融秩序,破坏了金融机构稳健经营的基础,其危害性越来越引起各国的关注,被包括中国在内的许多国家和地区的法律认定为刑事犯罪,并组建反洗钱监管部门,加大对洗钱犯罪的打击力度。金融机构作为社会资金流通的总枢纽,被越来越多的洗钱活动所利用,因此成为各国反洗钱监管的重点领域。研究分析金融机构反洗钱监管的问题,对推动我国金融机构反洗钱监管、遏制反洗钱犯罪具有重要的现实意义。本文以此为目的,在研究美国金融机构反洗钱监管现状的基础上,初步分析了我国金融机构反洗钱监管存在的问题,提出了加强我国反洗钱监管的若干建议。全文可分四大部分: 第一部分,主要介绍了洗钱与反洗钱的概论。首先介绍了洗钱活动从单个的、无序的洗钱模式到有组织的、专业分工的犯罪模式的发展历程;概述了不同主体对洗钱活动的定义,抽象出洗钱定义的本质;逐一介绍了通过银行业、保险业、证券业、信托业等金融领域洗钱的主要手段和方式,推断出金融领域是洗钱活动的主要渠道。再次,概述了反洗钱和反洗钱监管的定义;并在此基础上介绍了国际金融业反洗钱监管的历史演变历程。 第二部分,详细阐述了金融机构反洗钱监管的现实需求和理论依据。首先从洗钱活动对金融领域带来的现实威胁入手阐述了反洗钱监管的现实意义。其次从公共利益理论、金融脆弱性理论、法律不完备性理论等不同角度阐述分析了金融机构反洗钱监管的必要性,构成了金融体系反洗钱监管的理论基础。 第三部分是本文的重点,主要分析了美国金融领域反洗钱监管的制度保障、实施方式及评价。美国作为洗钱活动的重灾区,最早启动金融业反洗钱监管,制定了一系列完备的法律法规,并在反洗钱监管的运作实践上进行了积极有效的探索,取得了显著成效。本部分首先了介绍了美国完备的反洗钱法律体系,为保障反洗钱监管的有效运行提供强有力的制度保障。并在此基础上从构建多头监管和交叉配合的监管体系、运用金融犯罪执法网络提供的情报整合执法部门间的合作以及强化监管和处罚力度三部分入手,详细阐述了美国反洗钱监管的实施方式。最后评价了美国反洗钱监管的优点和存在的不足。 第四部分,在分析我国金融机构反洗钱监管现状和存在不足的基础上,提出了完善我国反洗钱监管的若干建议。中国的反洗钱在案件查处、国际协作等方面取得了一定的成效,但有效的金融机构反洗钱监管机制尚未建立,仍存在着缺乏完整和协调的反洗钱金融监管体系、反洗钱信息收集与分析工作存有漏洞、反洗钱监管基础薄弱等主要问题。对此,本文在借鉴美国金融机构反洗钱监管经验的基础上,结合我国国情,提出了完善反洗钱监管的相关建议:一是健全金融机构反洗钱监管体制,二是建立风险为本的反洗钱监管模式,三是完善反洗钱信息收集与分析工作,四是优化可疑交易报告工作模式,五是完善反洗钱激励约束机制。
[Abstract]:Money laundering is a crime which is known as the proceeds of crime and proceeds from crime . The crime of money laundering has become a poisonous tumor in the life of human society . It has seriously distorted the normal economic and financial order . It has seriously distorted the normal economic and financial order . It has been used by more and more money laundering activities . It has analyzed the problem of anti - money laundering supervision in China ' s financial institutions , and put forward some suggestions to strengthen the supervision of anti - money laundering in our country .
The first part mainly introduces the introduction of money - laundering and anti - money - laundering . Firstly , it introduces the development course of money - laundering activities from single , unordered money - laundering to organized , professional division of crime ;
The definition of money laundering in different subjects is summarized , and the essence of the definition of money laundering is abstracted .
The main ways and means of money laundering through banking , insurance , securities industry and trust industry are introduced one by one , and the main channels of money laundering in the financial field are deduced .
On this basis , the historical evolution course of anti - money laundering supervision in international financial industry is introduced .
In the second part , the realistic demand and theoretical basis of anti - money laundering supervision in financial institutions are expounded in detail . Firstly , the practical significance of anti - money laundering supervision is expounded from the real threats brought about by money laundering . Secondly , the necessity of anti - money laundering supervision in financial institutions is expounded from different angles , such as public interest theory , financial fragility theory and law imperfection theory , and constitutes the theoretical basis of anti - money laundering supervision of financial system .
The third part is the focus of this paper , mainly analyzes the system guarantee , the implementation way and the evaluation of anti - money laundering supervision in the financial field of the United States .
The fourth part , on the basis of analyzing the current situation and shortcomings of anti - money laundering supervision in China ' s financial institutions , puts forward some suggestions to perfect our country ' s anti - money laundering supervision .
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