发布时间:2018-04-26 19:13
本文选题:私人银行 + SCP范式 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:伴随着中国经济改革开放三十年余来的增长,中国的富裕阶层人数激增。据相关研究显示,截至2010年底,我国高净值①人群的数量已经超过100万人,预计到2015年将达到200万人。②庞大的高净值人群使我国商业银行面临着前所未所的私人银行发展的机遇。另一方面,面对国际商业银行的竞争和国家一系列宏观调控措施使得国内商业银行深感从传统业务赚取利润的压力,而私人银行良好的产业链形式和巨大的利润空间将会成为银行发展的新重点。私人银行从诞生之今已有几百年的历史,但我国商业银行正式开展私人银行业务才短短六年,2007年,中国银行在国内首次开设私人银行部,提供私人银行服务,随后,工商银行、招商银行、中信银行、农业银行等相继成立私人银行部,进入2013年,北京银行成立私人银行中心,城市商业银行也开始加入私人银行市场的竞争当中,目前,我国开展私人银行业务的中资商业银行已达到18家。 面对私人银行庞大的市场,中资商业银行表现出的极大热情却遭受到了重重挫折,在发展中出现了动力不足和路径不清晰的问题。发展动力不足的根本原因是无法满足私人银行客户的需求,一方面由于分业经营的限制不能提供全面的资产管理业务,不能根据客户的要求量身定制产品和服务,仍然将私人银行业务停留在贵宾理财层面,对于开拓和留住私人银行客户是非常不利的,另一方面,在私人银行市场竞争当中,由于高素质专业人才的缺乏,客户的需求没有被充分了解,而且产品设计的创新能力不够,多样化的需求未被满足。私人银行业务在国外发展已较为成熟,借鉴其发展经验是在我国开展业务的捷径,但是我国的经济文化背景与西方发达国家有很大差异,在组织模式选择,服务模式上都不能照搬国外的经验,需要探索一条适合我国商业银行发展私人银行的路径,这就出现了路径不清晰的问题。因此,针对私人银行发展目前存在的问题,提出解决问题的方案及路径选择等方面的理论研究具有重要的现实意义。 目前,国内学者对于私人银行业务表现出了极大关注,一致认为随着富裕阶层的扩大和银行转型的迫切需要,我国发展私人银行业务的时机已成熟。针对私人银行业务的研究,主要是定性研究,研究的重点着重于以下方面:瑞士和美国为代表的西方发达国家以及新加坡、印度、香港为代表的亚洲新兴市场的私人银行发展经验;阻碍国内私人银行发展的政策法规等外部因素;银行内部发展的不足之处(人才、产品和服务、组织模式、服务模式等);发展的建议和对策。由于私人银行业务的私密性,研究大多缺乏数据支撑,仅从理论层面作分析与阐述,发展存在的问题与建议较难应用到银行实际操作层面。实际上,目前,我国商业银行面对私人银行业务发展,“怎样才能提供私人银行业务的所有产品和服务?中国高净值人士的需求是怎样的?怎样满足高净值人士个性化的需求?选择什么样的组织模式有利于发展?未来中国私人银行的发展趋势是什么样的?”这些都是需要学术研究去慢慢解决的问题。 本文正是从试图解决银行发展私人银行问题出发,首先针对私人银行业务作了简单的阐述,阐述私人银行应提供的产品和服务,再在对比贵宾理财服务与私人银行业务的基础上分析私人银行的特征,其次,选取瑞士、美国、新加坡和香港为代表,分析其私人银行发展的文化经济因素、政策因素和银行自身方面的经验以借鉴,然后,运用SCP分析方法从市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效方面分析,同时分析了中国高净值人士的特征与偏好,根据客户细分相关理论提出客户细分方案。最后,提出中资私人银行发展要走集团化和专业化的道路。 本文的结构大致如下: 第一章,绪论部分,这章阐述了文章选题的背景和意义、国内外研究现状、研究内容以及研究方法和创新点。 第二章,私人银行概述部分,首先根据国内外对私人银行概念的界定,定义其为“商业银行成立专业服务团队一对一地为特定客户一高净值客户提供的以财富管理为核心的专业性、私密性和个性化的一揽子高端金融服务。”然后,总结阐述私人银行提供的产品与服务,包括:零售银行服务、资产管理服务、高端咨询服务、税收规划服务、信托服务、保险服务、遗产咨询和规划、不动产咨询管理服务、保管服务、离岸服务和其他服务。最后,就国内贵宾理财服务与私人银行作了对比,分析私人银行的六大特点,其核心特量身定制的金融服务。 第三章,国际经验部分,本文重点分析了传统私人银行模式代表——瑞士、现代私人银行模式代表——美国、新兴私人银行市场——新加坡和中国的私人银行市场——香港,总结其发展经验中核心的部分。 第四章,中国私人银行现状分析部分,从两个角度分别进行阐述,第一是基于SCP范式的现状分析,从市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效三个角度分析,第二是中国富裕阶层的特征分析,从基本信息和偏好着手,提出了一个客户细分标准。 第五章,路径选择部分,在现状分析和客户细分的分析基础上,再根据可借鉴的国际经验,指出我国商业银行发展私人银行业务须走集团化和专业化的道路。集团化是指中资私人银行应趋向于一体化发展,扩充银行业务范围,形成跨区域跨业务的金融集团,在组织模式选择上可先选择大零售银行制,再往事业部制过渡,注重零售银行与私人银行之间的协同效应。专业化是指在发展私人银行业务时,须在客户细分、人才‘储备、产品研发、后台支持中心等方面达到专业化,更好更快地满足私人银行客户。 本文的创新之处主要在于:一是本文在以往研究的基础上,创新地采用产业组织理论的SCP范式进行现状分析,SCP范式是分析产业效率的有效工具,能很好地与私人银行业务相契合并对市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效做出具体分析,同时利用了目前银行公开的市场数据进行市场结构分析,填补了定量分析空白;二是本文基于建设银行、中国银行、中信银行、招商银行和民生银行对于私人银行业务的报告,分析总结我国富裕阶层的特征和金融偏好,并以职业、生命周期、背景和性格因素提出了一个客户细分方案;三是在提出政策与建议时,创新性地指出我国商业银行发展私人银行业务应走集团化和专业化的道路,试图为我国私人银行发展规划一条清晰的路径。 本文的不足之处在于:一是由于私人银行私密性和资源有限,笔者难以对私人银行客户进行调研分析,获得一手数据,在考察私人银行客户特征时,利用四个银行的私人银行研究报告中的调研结果作为二手数据整理得出,难免与实际情况出现偏差;二是由于我国商业银行尚未形成对私人银行部的部门考核制,私人银行的数据较不完全,在运用SCP分析法时,没有测算产品差异化、市场绩效相关指标,希望在未来私人银行数据披露较多时,能够运用实证研究进行分析,得出更好的研究成果。
[Abstract]:With the growth of China's economic reform and opening up for more than thirty years, the number of wealthy people in China has surged. By the end of 2010, the number of high net worth people in China has exceeded 1 million by the end of 2010, and it is expected to reach 2 million by 2015. On the other hand, facing the competition of the international commercial banks and a series of national macro-control measures, the domestic commercial banks are deeply feeling the pressure to earn profits from the traditional business, and the good industrial chain form and the huge profit space of private banks will become the new focus of the development of the bank. It has been a history of hundreds of years, but it is only six years before commercial banks in China have formally launched private banking services. In 2007, the Bank of China opened private banking services in China for the first time and provided private banking services. Subsequently, private banking was established by industrial and commercial banks, China Merchants Bank, CITIC Bank, Agricultural Bank and so on. In 2013, the Bank of Beijing established private banks. At the center of the human bank, the commercial banks of the city have also begun to join the competition in the private banking market. At present, the Chinese commercial banks in private banking have reached 18.
Facing the huge market of private banks, the great enthusiasm shown by the Chinese commercial banks has suffered a lot of setbacks, and there is a problem of insufficient power and unclear path in the development. The fundamental reason for the lack of dynamic development is to meet the needs of private bank customers, and one side can not provide comprehensive management because of the limited operation. The asset management business can not tailor products and services according to the requirements of the customer, still keep private banking business at the VIP financial level, which is very bad for developing and retaining private bank customers. On the other hand, in the competition of private banking market, the demand of customers is not charged because of the lack of high quality professionals. In addition, the innovation ability of product design is not enough and the demand for diversification is not met. The development of private banking business has been more mature in foreign countries. It is a shortcut to carry out business in our country for reference. However, the economic and cultural background of our country is very different from that of western developed countries. To copy the experience of foreign countries, we need to explore a path suitable for the development of private banks in China's commercial banks, which has a problem of unclear path. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the problems in the development of private banks and to put forward the solution and path selection.
At present, domestic scholars have shown great attention to the private banking business. It is agreed that with the expansion of the rich class and the urgent need of the bank transformation, the opportunity for the development of private banking is ripe. The research on private banking business is mainly qualitative research. The focus of the research is on the following aspects: Switzerland and the United States On behalf of the developed western countries, as well as Singapore, India, Hongkong as the representative of the development of private banks in the emerging markets in Asia, the external factors that impede the development of domestic private banks, and the inadequacies of the internal development of the banks (talents, products and services, organizational patterns, service patterns, etc.); and suggestions and Countermeasures for development. In private bank business, the private nature of the business is mostly lack of data support. It is only from the theoretical level to analyze and explain. The existing problems and suggestions are difficult to apply to the practical operation level of the bank. In fact, at present, China's commercial banks face the development of private banking business, "how can we provide all the products and suits of private banking business." What is the demand for high net worth people in China? How to meet the individualized needs of high net worth people? What kind of organizational model is in favor of development? What is the trend of the development of private banks in China in the future? These are the problems that need to be solved by academic research.
Starting from the attempt to solve the problem of private bank development in the bank, this paper first gives a brief account of the private banking business, expounds the products and services provided by private banks, and then analyses the characteristics of private banks on the basis of comparing the VIP and private banking services. Secondly, it selects Switzerland, the United States, Singapore and Hongkong. In order to represent, analyze the cultural and economic factors, policy factors and bank own experience of private bank development, then analyze the market structure, market behavior and market performance by using SCP analysis method, and analyze the characteristics and preferences of high net value people in China, and propose customer segmentation based on customer segmentation theory. Finally, it puts forward that the development of Chinese private banks should be collectivization and specialization.
The structure of this article is as follows:
The first chapter, the introduction, describes the background and significance of the topic selection, the research status quo at home and abroad, the research contents, research methods and innovations.
The second chapter, the overview of private banks, firstly defines the concept of private banking at home and abroad, and defines it as "a professional, private and individualized package of high-end financial services provided by the professional service team of commercial banks to a high net value customer to a particular customer and a high net value customer." then, the summary is summarized. Describes the products and services provided by private banks, including retail banking services, asset management services, high-end advisory services, tax planning services, trust services, insurance services, heritage consulting and planning, real estate consulting and management services, custodial services, offshore services and his services. Finally, domestic VIP financial services and private banks are made. By contrast, the six characteristics of private banks are analyzed, and their core customized financial services.
The third chapter, in the international experience part, this article focuses on the analysis of the representative of the traditional private banking model - Switzerland, the representative of modern private banking model - the United States, the emerging private banking market - Singapore and China's private banking market - Hongkong, summarizing the core of its development experience.
The fourth chapter, the analysis of the status quo of China's private banks from two angles, the first is based on the analysis of the status quo of the SCP paradigm, from the market structure, market behavior and market performance in three angles, second is the characteristics of the Chinese wealthy class, starting with the basic information and preference, and put forward a customer segmentation standard.
The fifth chapter, on the basis of the analysis of the status quo and the analysis of the customer segmentation, and on the basis of the international experience that can be used for reference, points out that the commercial banks in China should take the road of grouping and specialization in the development of private banking business. The group is that the private banks of China should tend to one body development, expand the scope of the banking business and form a cross region. The cross business financial group can choose the large retail banking system in the choice of organizational model, and then transition to the institution, and pay attention to the synergy between the retail banks and the private banks. The specialization means that the professional development should be achieved in the development of private banking business in the aspects of customer segmentation, talent 'reserve, product research and development, and backstage support center. Better and faster to meet private bank customers.
The main innovations of this paper are as follows: first, on the basis of previous research, this paper innovatively adopts the SCP paradigm of industrial organization theory to analyze the status quo. The SCP paradigm is an effective tool for analyzing industrial efficiency, and it can be well combined with the private banking business to analyze the market structure, market behavior and market performance in a specific way. Using the market data published by the current bank to analyze the market structure and fill in the blank of quantitative analysis; two is a report based on the Construction Bank, Bank of China, CITIC Bank, China Merchants Bank and Minsheng Bank for private banking business, analyzing and summarizing the characteristics and financial preferences of the rich class in China, and by profession, life cycle, back. A customer segmentation scheme is put forward in view and character factors. Three, when proposing policies and suggestions, it is innovative to point out that the development of private banking business in China's commercial banks should take the road of grouping and specialization, trying to plan a clear path for the development of private banks in our country.
The inadequacies of this paper are: first, because of private bank privacy and limited resources, the author is difficult to investigate and analyze private bank customers and obtain first-hand data. In the investigation of private bank customer characteristics, the research results in the Private Bank Research Report of four banks are used as secondhand data. There is a deviation in the situation; two because the commercial banks in our country have not yet formed a department assessment system for private banking department, the data of private banks are not complete. When using the SCP analysis method, they do not measure product differentiation and market performance related indicators. It is hoped that in the future, the empirical research can be applied to the analysis of private bank data. Better research results.
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