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发布时间:2018-04-27 16:06

  本文选题:中小企业信用担保体系 + 银担合作 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在中小企业融资过程中,引入信用担保,可以弱化中小企业抵押不足、信用记录不全等造成的融资障碍,进而提高中小企业的信用等级,分担金融机构的贷款风险。在国外实践中,信用担保也被证明是政府支持中小企业发展的有效手段之一。鉴于我国中小企业以银行信贷等间接融资为主,为解决中小企业融资困境,我国从20世纪90年代开始探索建立信用担保体系,以提升中小企业的信用等级,解决其间接融资问题。 近十几年来,信用担保机构在数量上快速增长的同时,也暴露出一些问题。一直以来,银行与担保机构在开展合作方面也并不顺畅,而作为信用担保体系的两大参与主体,二者建立起稳定的合作关系,是中小企业信用担保体系有效运作的基础之一。而如果这个问题不能有效解决,将直接影响我国中小企业信用担保体系在解决中小企业融资问题时作用的发挥;长期来看,也将影响我国信用担保体系的健康发展。因此,以“中小企业信用担保机构与银行的合作”为研究主线,通过对我国中小企业信用担保体系的现状以及阻碍我国银担合作的因素分析,在国际比较研究的基础上结合我国银担合作的问题,提出自己的建议。这对于“目前我国担保机构数量多、但银担合作却并未广泛开展,信用担保体系作用不能有效发挥”的问题具有现实意义。 国内学者围绕如何完善信用担保体系、体系的模式选择、如何有效控制风险以及政策性、互助性和商业性担保机构分别在各地的经营发展现状和问题等方面作了广泛的研究。并且对于我国应该建立以哪种模式为主导的信用担保体系进行了广泛地争论。同时,关于中小企业信用担保体系有效运作的研究中,虽然普遍提出了应该加强信用担保机构与银行的合作,指出二者建立稳定的合作关系对于我国中小企业信用担保体系发挥作用具有重要意义。但是,大部分都只是在相关研究中以政策建议的形式附带提出。专门从信用担保机构与银行的合作这方面进行的研究比较少,或者有的仅从微观层面研究两者合作的风险分担机理和风险控制问题。对于两者合作开展的具体问题以及促进两者建立稳定协作关系的安排等方面,则研究得较少。 因此,本文以“信用担保机构与银行的合作”为研究主线和落脚点,通过理论分析与规范研究相结合,从宏观和微观不同角度,以“加强信用担保机构与银行的合作并对促成合作的安排提出建议”为目标,进行了比较深入、系统的研究。 本文的内容框架如下: (1)绪论。阐述了选题的背景与研究的意义,对国内外研究文献进行归纳与评价的基础上,提出了本文的研究思路和方法。 (2)中小企业信用担保机构与银行合作的理论基础。本章首先运用相关经济学理论说明信用担保机构存在的意义,并借助简化的博弈分析以及供求分析模型,从微观分析的角度对信用担保介入信贷市场后如何促进信贷市场优化改进进行了简要的阐述;接着在分析了我国中小企业融资现状以及导致融资困境的原因后,指出构建信用担保体系是中小企业发展的客观要求;并在此基础上进一步从中小企业、银行等金融机构以及政府的不同角度,阐述了银担建立稳定合作关系的必要性。 (3)我国中小企业信用担保机构与银行合作的问题及障碍分析。本章在简要分析了我国信用担保体系发展现状和存在的问题的基础上,引出了本文所要研究的问题“中小企业信用担保机构与银行的合作”,并具体分析了现阶段我国银担合作中存在的一些问题。接着分别从合作双方——银行和信用担保机构以及外部环境方面,具体分析了我国银担合作中存在的障碍。 通过本章的研究,进一步指出加强银担合作对于以银行信贷融资为主要融资渠道的中小企业获得融资支持具有重要意义,同时也是银行拓展中小企业业务的同时合理控制风险的有利尝试,也是我国中小企业信用担保体系发挥现实作用的保障。 (4)信用担保机构与银行合作的国际比较与启示。本章主要从各国中小企业融资的信用担保实施主体与协作银行开展合作的角度,在分别分析了日本、美国、韩国以及德国信用担保体系基本架构的基础上,归纳总结了各个国家促成这种合作的有利条件以及协作双方开展合作的具体形式。并进一步以实收制以及权责制这两种不同资金运作方式的中小企业信用担保体系为框架,分别总结了两个体系下银担合作的基本模式。最后,在对比分析的基础上,归纳了有益的启示与借鉴。本章写作的目的在于通过这种对比分析,在归纳借鉴国外促进银担合作的有利安排的同时,结合前文对我国银担合作的阻碍因素分析,提出自己有针对性地建议。 (5)加强我国银担合作的政策建议。本章在全文分析的基础上,重点结合第三、四章的分析,从银行与担保机构、改善银担合作的外部环境以及中小企业信用担保体系的构建方面提出了一些加强我国银担合作的对策建议。主要包括宏观上对我国信用担保体系重新进行规范整合以及具体的一些银行与担保机构方面可以做出的改进。 本文在目前探讨中小企业信用担保体系有效运作的研究框架中,选取了现在制约我国中小企业信用担保体系发挥作用的一大问题——银行与担保机构的合作不通畅,以此作为研究的主线与落脚点;二者作为中小企业信用担保体系的两大参与主体,它们能否顺畅地开展协作、建立稳定的合作关系,将直接关系到我国中小企业信用担保体系能否有效发挥作用的问题、其建立的初衷——解决我国中小企业融资困境能否达成。 因此,通过本文的研究,从银行与担保机构、改善银担合作的外部环境以及中小企业信用担保体系的构建三个方面,对加强银担合作提出了相关政策建议。针对体系构建框架提出应该整合各地的政策性担保机构,成立区域性的信用担保机构(基金),以此为主体统一与银行建立稳定的合作关系;信用担保机构(基金)以地方财政资金为主要支撑,此外,通过政策规定协作金融机构按一定的标准向其捐助资金,并在具体担保业务开展中可采取对协作金融机构综合评分、分层次授权的形式。而针对目前数量众多、资金规模普遍偏小的民营担保机构,加强引导规范、整合归并的同时,区域性信用担保机构(基金)可按一定条件将其发展为业务合作伙伴,作为他们与银行开展合作的沟通桥梁。 由于有关全国范围内担保机构运行状况的基本数据和资料不能有效获取,各省、市等地方有关担保机构发展的基本数据也难以获得,因此在我国担保体系发展以及银担合作的现状研究中,缺少完善的数据佐证,无法进行更加深入地定量分析来说明问题;鉴于能力和时间有限,在我国银担合作的障碍及原因分析中,对部分业内人士进行了访谈,以求对问题的说明更具有针对性,但未能进行深入的调查研究,获取银行和担保机构的第一手资料进行更加全面的分析。
[Abstract]:In the process of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, the introduction of credit guarantee can weaken the financing barriers caused by the insufficient mortgage of small and medium-sized enterprises and the incomplete credit records, and then improve the credit rating of small and medium-sized enterprises and share the loan risks of the financial institutions. In foreign practice, credit guarantee is also proved to be an effective means by the government to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In order to solve the financing dilemma of small and medium sized enterprises, China began to establish a credit guarantee system in 1990s, in order to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, in order to improve the credit rating of small and medium-sized enterprises and to solve the problem of indirect financing.
In the past ten years, the credit guarantee institution has also exposed some problems while the number of the credit guarantee institutions has increased rapidly. The banks and the guarantee institutions have not been smooth in cooperation. As the two major participants of the credit guarantee system, the two parties have established a stable cooperative relationship, which is the effective operation of the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises. If this problem can not be solved effectively, it will directly affect the role played by the credit guarantee system of SMEs in solving the financing problems of small and medium-sized enterprises. In the long run, it will also affect the healthy development of the credit guarantee system in China. Therefore, the "cooperation between the credit guarantee institutions and the banks" is the main research subject. Line, through the analysis of the current situation of the credit guarantee system of small and medium enterprises in China and the factors that impede the cooperation of China's silver load, this paper puts forward our own suggestions on the basis of the international comparative study and the cooperation of China's silver load. This is "the number of our guarantee institutions is large, but the cooperation of silver load has not been widely carried out, and the credit guarantee system is made." It is of practical significance to use the problem of "failure to give full play".
The domestic scholars have made extensive research on how to improve the system of credit guarantee, the mode selection of the system, how to effectively control the risk and policy, the mutual benefit and the commercial guarantee institutions in the various areas of the current situation and problems, and other aspects of the credit guarantee system which should be built in our country. At the same time, in the study of the effective operation of the credit guarantee system for small and medium-sized enterprises, although the cooperation between the credit guarantee institutions and the banks should be strengthened, it is pointed out that the establishment of a stable cooperative relationship between the two parties is of great significance to the role of the credit guarantee system for small and medium-sized enterprises in China. In the related research, it is put forward in the form of policy recommendations. There are few studies on the cooperation between credit guarantee institutions and banks, or some research on the risk sharing mechanism and risk control of the two cooperation only from the micro level. There is less research on the arrangement of the relationship.
Therefore, this article takes "the cooperation between the credit guarantee institution and the bank" as the main line and the foothold. Through the combination of theoretical analysis and normative research, from the macro and micro perspectives, the aim is to "strengthen the cooperation between the credit guarantee institutions and the banks and make suggestions for the arrangement of cooperation".
The content framework of this article is as follows:
(1) introduction. It expounds the background and significance of the topic, and on the basis of summarizing and evaluating the research literature at home and abroad, puts forward the research ideas and methods of this paper.
(2) the theoretical basis of the cooperation between credit guarantee institutions and banks in small and medium-sized enterprises. This chapter first uses the theory of relevant economics to explain the significance of the existence of credit guarantee institutions, and with the help of a simplified game analysis and supply and demand analysis model, from the perspective of microanalysis, how to improve credit market optimization and improvement after the credit guarantee market is involved in credit market. After a brief introduction, after analyzing the current situation of SMEs' financing and the causes of the financing difficulties, it is pointed out that the construction of credit guarantee system is the objective requirement for the development of small and medium enterprises, and on this basis, it further expounds the stability of the bank from the different angles of the small and medium enterprises, banks and other financial institutions as well as the government. The necessity of a cooperative relationship.
(3) the analysis of the problems and obstacles of cooperation between credit guarantee institutions and banks in China's SMEs. On the basis of the brief analysis of the current development and existing problems of the credit guarantee system in China, this chapter leads to the question "the cooperation between the credit guarantee institutions of small and medium enterprises" and the concrete analysis of the current stage of China's silver. Some of the problems that exist in the cooperation, and then from the sides of the cooperation, banks and credit guarantee institutions and the external environment, the obstacles in the cooperation of China's silver load are analyzed.
Through the study of this chapter, it is further pointed out that strengthening the cooperation of silver load is of great significance to the financing support of small and medium-sized enterprises with bank credit financing as the main financing channel. At the same time, it is also a favorable attempt to expand the business of small and medium-sized enterprises and control the risk at the same time. It is also the reality of the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises in China. The guarantee for use.
(4) the international comparison and Enlightenment of the cooperation between the credit guarantee institution and the bank. This chapter mainly analyzes the basic framework of the credit guarantee system in Japan, the United States, the Republic of Korea and Germany on the basis of the basic framework of the credit guarantee system in Japan, the United States, the Republic of Korea and Germany. The favorable conditions for the work and the concrete forms of cooperation between the two parties. And further to the framework of the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises with two different modes of operation of cash and responsibility system, the basic model of the cooperation between the two systems is summarized. Finally, the useful enlightenment and the enlightenment are summarized on the basis of the comparison analysis. The purpose of this chapter is to use this comparative analysis to draw on the favorable arrangement of promoting the cooperation of silver in foreign countries, and to put forward some pertinent suggestions on the basis of the analysis of obstacles in the cooperation of silver load in our country.
(5) to strengthen the policy suggestions of China's silver load cooperation. On the basis of the full text analysis, this chapter focuses on the analysis of the third, fourth chapters, and puts forward some suggestions to strengthen the cooperation of China's silver load from the bank and the guarantee institution, the improvement of the external environment of the cooperation of the silver load and the construction of the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises. The improvement of the credit guarantee system in China should be reintegrated and some specific banks and guarantee institutions can be improved.
In the research framework of the effective operation of the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises, this paper selects a major problem that restricts the role of the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises in China now - the cooperation between the banks and the guarantee institutions is not smooth, which is the main line and the foothold of the research; the two are the credit guarantee system of small and medium-sized enterprises. The two major participants, whether they can cooperate smoothly and establish a stable cooperative relationship, will directly relate to the problem that the credit guarantee system of small and medium enterprises in our country can play an effective role. The original intention of the establishment is to solve the financing difficulties of small and medium enterprises in China.
Therefore, through the study of this paper, from three aspects, the bank and the guarantee institution, the improvement of the external environment of the cooperation of the bank and the construction of the credit guarantee system of small and medium enterprises, the relevant policy suggestions are put forward to strengthen the cooperation of the silver load. The organization (Fund) is the main body to establish a stable cooperative relationship with the bank, and the Credit Guarantee Agency (Fund) is mainly supported by local financial funds. In addition, through the policy provisions, the cooperative financial institutions can contribute funds to the financial institutions according to certain standards, and the comprehensive evaluation of the cooperative financial institutions can be taken in the development of the specific guarantee industry. At the same time, the regional credit guarantee institutions (funds) can develop them into business partners according to certain conditions, as a bridge for their cooperation with the banks.
As the basic data and data on the running status of guarantee agencies in the country can not be effectively obtained, the basic data about the development of guarantee institutions in all provinces, cities and other places are difficult to obtain. Therefore, in the research of the development of the guarantee system and the current situation of the cooperation of the Bank of China, the lack of data from the good is lacking. Analysis to explain the problem; in view of the limited ability and time, in the analysis of the obstacles and reasons for the cooperation of silver load in China, some people in the industry were interviewed in order to be more pertinent to the explanation of the problem, but failed to carry out in-depth investigation and study, and to obtain a more comprehensive analysis of the first hand information of banks and guarantee institutions.



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