本文选题:保障性住房 + 融资 ; 参考:《山西财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:保障性住房融资问题是绝大多数国家在保障性住房建设过程中的一个不可回避的现实问题。目前我国保障房的融资渠道和融资模式较为单一,难以满足我国保障性住房建设巨大的资金需求,急需建立多层次的保障性住房融资体系。本文力求在理论方面对融资问题进行深入研究,并在此基础上建立适合我国发展现状的保障性住房融资模式,为保障性住房的融资问题提供理论指导,推进我国保障性住房建设进程。 本论文试图通过借鉴国内外成熟的理论经验与先进技术,探讨和建立适合我国保障性住房的融资模式与理论框架。在研究过程中,本文首先总结了国内外关于保障性住房融资的研究现状。对保障性住房的概念、特征、融资模式的概念及相关理论进行了探讨,目的在于为后续的研究提供指导;其次介绍了我国保障性住房的发展历程、融资现状、国际比较、融资过程中出现的主要问题及原因分析,为寻求适合的保障房融资模式打下了坚实的理论基础;而后对发达国家的保障性住房融资模式进行了简要的介绍,并概括了国外保障房融资经验对我国的启示,为我国保障性住房融资模式的建立与完善奠定了坚实的基础;最后以某小区作为样本对BOT融资模式进行了深入分析。研究表明本论文建立的融资模式具有现实的可行性,为解决我国保障房融资难的问题提供路径。 本文创新一:视角新。从研究对象—保障性住房而言,主要讨论的是管理域和金融域的交叉问题,目的是通过对保障性住房融资模式的初步梳理和研究,,寻找困扰融资问题的症结所在,并在此基础上试图破解保障性住房建设资金迷局的方向。创新二:针对中国国情,参考国际经验,在可行性分析的基础上,提出保障性住房融资模式总体原则、思路及框架,提出了创新模式和具体实践运作。
[Abstract]:The financing of affordable housing is an unavoidable practical problem in the construction of affordable housing in most countries. At present, indemnificatory apartment's financing channel and financing mode are relatively single, it is difficult to meet the huge capital demand of our country's indemnificatory housing construction, and it is urgent to establish a multi-level financing system of the indemnificatory housing. This paper tries to carry on the thorough research on the financing problem in the theoretical aspect, and on this basis establishes the affordable housing financing mode suitable for our country's development present situation, provides the theoretical guidance for the financing question of the indemnificatory housing. We will push forward the process of building affordable housing in China. This paper attempts to explore and establish a financing model and theoretical framework suitable for our country's affordable housing by referring to the mature theoretical experience and advanced technology at home and abroad. In the research process, this paper first summarizes the research status of affordable housing financing at home and abroad. The concept, characteristics, financing model and related theories of affordable housing are discussed in order to provide guidance for further research. Secondly, the development course, financing status and international comparison of affordable housing in China are introduced. The analysis of the main problems and reasons in the process of financing lays a solid theoretical foundation for seeking suitable financing model for indemnificatory apartment, and then briefly introduces the financing mode of indemnificatory housing in developed countries. And summarized the foreign indemnificatory apartment financing experience to our country enlightenment, for our country indemnificatory housing financing model establishment and the consummation has laid the solid foundation; finally took the certain community as the sample to carry on the thorough analysis to the BOT financing pattern. The research shows that the financing model established in this paper is feasible and provides a way to solve the financing problem of indemnificatory apartment. This article innovates one: angle of view is new. From the point of view of research object-indemnificatory housing, the main discussion is the intersection of management domain and financial domain, the purpose is to find out the crux of financing problem by combing and studying the financing mode of indemnificatory housing. And on the basis of this attempt to solve the indemnificatory housing construction funds confusion direction. Innovation II: according to the national conditions of China, referring to international experience, on the basis of feasibility analysis, this paper puts forward the general principle, train of thought and framework of the financing mode of affordable housing, and puts forward the innovative mode and concrete practical operation.
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1 马建平;中国保障性住房制度建设研究[D];吉林大学;2011年
2 陈涛;我国城镇保障性住房规模动态仿真及其优化配置研究[D];南昌大学;2011年
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2 杨维;保障性住房的组织模式研究[D];重庆大学;2010年
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10 于晓影;济南市保障性住房的选址问题研究[D];山东建筑大学;2011年