发布时间:2018-05-07 21:58
本文选题:开发性金融 + 支持 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:城镇化是我国现代化建设面临的历史性任务,也是中国现代化的必由之路。中国特色城镇化是以中国特色社会主义理论为指导,尊重国际社会城市化发展的一般规律,但不照搬国外城市化的模式,因时因地制宜,实事求是,符合中国国情、区情和发展阶段实情的城镇化。当前,中国实施城镇化战略,是我国扩大内需、调整产业结构、转变经济发展方式的重要途径。在破除“城乡二元结构”,提高农业现代化水平、促进我国区域协调发展等方面起到积极作用。 为了实现城镇化的科学发展,我们必须落实科学发展观以人为本的理念,以产业为支撑,构建大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的城市体系,推进户籍制度、行政制度、土地制度和社会保障制度等方面的改革,走低碳城市化之路。同时,中国的城镇化要加快新农村建设,以新型工业化和新型城镇化推动我国城乡一体化发展,构建新型的城乡关系。李克强总理指出,城镇化是现代化的必然趋势,也是广大农民的普遍愿望,它不仅可以带动巨大的消费和投资需求,创造更多的就业机会,其直接作用还是富裕农民、造福人民。推进新型城镇化,资金需求规模大、期限长、主体多元、结构复杂,现行投资严重不足,急需金融担当重任,作为政府的开发性金融机构,国家开发银行(以下简称国开行)将积极发挥开发性金融的核心作用,做好资金供给和资源引导配置,积极稳妥支持新型城镇化。 论文在回顾了世界和我国城镇化发展阶段的基础上,系统地分析了我国城镇化的发展趋势与政策要求,阐明了国开行的总体定位及发展战略,并提出开发性金融全面支持新型城镇化的政策建议。 论文第一部分回顾了新型城镇化的内涵及其发展规律。本文首先明确了城镇化的基本概念,提出人类已进入城市时代。纵观全球的城镇化进程,经历了从西欧发端,逐步向欧洲其他国家、美洲、澳洲扩展,进而波及亚洲和非洲的发展过程,表现为四波浪潮。城镇化是人类从农业社会向工业社会发展而产生的一种聚居方式变化现象,是一种社会经济的自然发展过程,不是人为的“推动”。受技术进步、不同国情条件等影响,世界主要国家城镇化发展呈现加速趋势。目前,城镇化促进经济发展,促进科技进步,促进现代文明的“得”常被提及,而拉美和非洲国家城镇化进程快,发展不均衡的过度城镇化的“失”却被忽视。因此,我们也应该对全球“城镇化热”进行冷思考,什么才是“好的城镇化”和“坏的城镇化”,笔者认为,“好的城镇化”是有就业,生产力水平提高,技术进步同步,人居环境建设水平不断提高的城镇化;“坏的城镇化”是农民失地、就业不落实,经济发展水平低下,人居环境条件差的城镇化。 论文第二部分阐述了我国城镇化发展中的成就、问题与质量评价。城镇化是中国现代化的必由之路,从我国国民经济和社会发展的长期目标来看,城市化水平的提高应该是我国第三步战略目标的重要内容之一。改革开放以来,我国城镇化分为工业化推动下的城镇化较快发展阶段,大起大落之后陷入长期停滞阶段,改革开放东南沿海城镇化率先发展阶段,市场经济体制改革推动城镇化快速发展阶段等四个阶段,并取得了积极进展。本章总结分析了中国城镇化发展的主要特点,分别为:大国城镇化、“候鸟式”城镇化、政府主导的城镇化、“三农”问题高度敏感条件下的城镇化。我国城镇化发展取得了巨大成就,有力推动了国家的工业化和现代化进程,解决了大量农村剩余劳动力的就业问题,城市面貌发生巨大变化,形成了一批具有国际竞争力的中心城市和专业化城镇,城市在国民经济和社会发展中的主导作用更加突出。当然,我国城镇化发展也存在一些突出问题,比如城镇化发展模式粗放,区域发展差距大,城乡二元结构仍然突出,大中小城市发展不协调,农民工市民化进程缓慢等,存在低成本、高成效、低质量、高代价的问题。因此,下一步需要我们立足中国国情、借鉴国际城镇化发展的经验教训,充分运用开发性金融在中国的探索成果,充分发挥开发性金融在我国推进新型城镇化发展改革的独特作用。 论文第三部分分析了开发性金融支持城镇化的实践探索。在支持全国城镇化建设过程中,国开行以富有特色的金融服务体系多方位地满足城镇化建设需求,区别于一般性的商业金融机构,充分体现出开发性金融的特点和优势,发挥着不可替代的金融支持作用。国开行是促进城镇化建设的主力银行。1998年以来,国开行坚持开发性金融实践,融资推动公路、铁路、市政等基础设施建设,积极支持“三农”、保障性住房、教育等领域发展,提升了城镇化的综合承载能力和发展质量。国开行支持城镇化的原则是:银政合作,雪中送炭;规划先行,科学发展;市场建设,创新模式;先锋先导,融资支持;防范风险,稳健运作。同时,本文以**市为例,就国开行从2003年开始探索以城乡一体化为主要内容支持其新型城镇化建设取得的成效进行了分析。 论文第四部分提出了开发性金融支持新型城镇化建设的思考。本章通过对我国城镇化的发展趋势与政策要求的分析,提出了开发性金融支持新型城镇化建设的总体战略,即坚持将政府组织协调优势与开发性金融融资优势相结合,发挥“投、贷、债、租、证”综合优势,加强投融资机制体制建设,积极探索开发性金融支持新型城镇化建设的“开行模式”,成为助推新型城镇化建设的主力银行、引领银行和创新银行。具体政策措施如下: 一是坚持规划先行,积极参与城镇化建设规划,提供“融资+融智”的复合型服务;对新型城镇化相关规划中的重大项目纳入规划项目库进行动态管理;与政府部门构建对接机制。二是执行差异化的信贷政策,实现信贷资源优化配置。一方面拓展信贷业务范围,执行差异化信贷政策。另一方面提升信贷服务水平,实现各方面的新突破。三是规范融资平台,创新合作模式。“融资十融智”支持平台规范建设,同时协助融资主体市场化改革。四是推行综合营销,开展“投、贷、债、租、证”综合经营试点。打造差异化运营模式,提高综合金融服务能力。五是创新融资产品,多路径支持城镇建设。整合企业信用资源,积极推进集合信托或发债。积极组建和扩资村镇银行,加强支持新农村建设力度。开展无担保的联保、担保业务。积极探索发行城镇化建设债券。推动城市发展基金和重点小城镇建设资金设立。六是参与金融生态建设,发展和谐金融。倡导金融诚信文化,推动地方信用建设。七是拓展金融产品,服务城乡统筹。发展股权基金投资业务,大力发展直接融资业务,推动金融租赁业务。八是加强风险管理,提升金融服务能力。建立和完善切实可行的风险防范措施,实行全面风险管理。
[Abstract]:Urbanization is a historic task facing China's modernization and the only way for China's modernization. The urbanization of Chinese characteristics is guided by the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, respecting the general law of the development of the urbanization of the international society, but it does not copy the mode of the foreign urbanization. At present, the implementation of urbanization strategy in China is an important way for China to expand domestic demand, adjust the industrial structure and change the way of economic development. It plays an active role in breaking the "two yuan structure of urban and rural", improving the level of agricultural modernization and promoting the coordinated development of our country.
In order to realize the scientific development of urbanization, we must carry out the concept of "Scientific Outlook on Development people based", support the industry as the support, construct the urban system of the coordinated development of small and medium-sized cities and small towns, promote the reform of the household registration system, the administrative system, the land system and the social security system and so on, and reduce the road of carbon urbanization. Urbanization should speed up the construction of new rural areas, promote the integration of urban and rural areas with new industrialization and new urbanization, and build a new relationship between urban and rural areas. Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that urbanization is the inevitable trend of modernization and the universal desire of the vast majority of farmers. It can not only bring huge consumption and investment needs, but also create more employment. The opportunity is the direct role of the rich peasants and the benefit of the people. To promote the new urbanization, the capital demand scale is large, the time limit is long, the main body is multiple, the structure is complex, the current investment is serious and the financial responsibility is badly needed. As a development financial institution of the government, the National Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as the national opening bank) will actively play the core of the development finance. We should make good use of our capital to provide funds and resources, and actively and reliably support new urbanization.
On the basis of the review of the world and the development stage of China's urbanization, the paper systematically analyzes the development trend and policy requirements of urbanization in China, clarifies the overall positioning and development strategy of the National Bank of China, and puts forward the policy proposals for the comprehensive support of the new urbanization in the development of the development finance.
The first part of the paper reviews the connotation of the new urbanization and the law of its development. Firstly, this article clarifies the basic concept of urbanization and puts forward that human beings have entered the urban era. The process of urbanization in the world has experienced the development process from the beginning of Western Europe, gradually to the rest of Europe, the Americas, Australia, and then to Asia and Africa. The urbanization is a wave of four waves. Urbanization is a phenomenon of human settlement from agricultural society to industrial society. It is a natural development process of social economy. It is not an artificial "promotion". Influenced by technological progress and different conditions, the development of urbanization in the main countries of the world is accelerating. To promote economic development, promote scientific and technological progress and promote the "gains" of modern civilization is often mentioned, while the urbanization process of Latin America and African countries is fast, and the "loss" of unbalanced development of urbanization is ignored. Therefore, we should also think cold about the global "urbanization heat", what is "good urbanization" and "bad city" The author believes that "good urbanization" is a urbanization with employment, increasing productivity, synchronization of technological progress, and continuous improvement in the level of construction of human settlements; "bad urbanization" is a urbanization of farmers' lost land, employment, low economic development and poor living conditions.
The second part of the paper expounds the achievements, problems and quality evaluation in the development of urbanization in China. Urbanization is the only way for China's modernization. From the long-term goal of China's national economy and social development, the improvement of the level of urbanization should be one of the important contents of the third step of our country's strategic goal. Since the reform and opening up, China's cities and towns It is divided into the rapid development stage of urbanization driven by industrialization, the period of long-term stagnation after the great rise and fall, the first stage of urbanization in the southeast coast of the southeast, the four stages of the rapid development stage of urbanization, and the positive development of the market economic system reform. This chapter summarizes and analyzes the main development of China's urbanization. The characteristics are as follows: the urbanization of great powers, the urbanization of "migratory birds", the urbanization of the government led by the government, and the urbanization under the highly sensitive condition of the "three rural" problems. The development of urbanization in China has made great achievements, vigorously promoted the process of industrialization and modernization of the country, solved the problem of employment of a large number of rural surplus labor, and the face of the city. Great changes have taken place in the formation of a number of central cities and specialized towns with international competitiveness, and the leading role of the city in the national economy and social development is more prominent. Of course, there are some outstanding problems in the development of urbanization in China, such as the extensive development pattern of urbanization, the large gap in regional development and the two yuan structure in urban and rural areas, The development of large and medium cities is not coordinated, the process of the citizenization of migrant workers is slow and so on. There is a low cost, high efficiency, low quality and high cost. Therefore, the next step needs to be based on the national conditions of China, draw lessons from the development of International Urbanization, fully utilize the exploration results of development finance in China, and give full play to the development finance in China. Promote the unique role of the development and reform of the new urbanization.
The third part of the paper analyzes the practice and exploration of the urbanization of developing financial support. In the process of supporting the national urbanization construction, the national opening bank is different from the general commercial financial institutions, which is different from the general commercial financial institutions, and gives full play to the characteristics and advantages of the development finance. Since.1998, the state Kai bank is the main bank to promote the construction of urbanization. The bank has insisted on developing financial practice, promoting the construction of highway, railway and municipal infrastructure, and actively supporting the development of "three rural", guarantee housing, education and other fields, and promoted the comprehensive carrying capacity and development quality of urbanization. At the same time, the principles of the bank's support for urbanization are: the cooperation of the silver government, the delivery of carbon in the snow, the planning advance, the scientific development, the market construction, the innovation model, the pioneer and the financing support, the risk prevention and the steady operation. The achievements made in the construction are analyzed.
The fourth part of the paper puts forward the thinking of the development of the new urbanization in the development of financial support. Through the analysis of the development trend and the policy requirements of the urbanization in China, this chapter puts forward the overall strategy of the development of the new urbanization in the development of financial support, that is, to combine the advantages of the coordination of government organizations with the advantages of the developing financial financing. "Investment, loan, debt, rent, certificate" comprehensive advantages, strengthen the system construction of investment and financing mechanism, actively explore the development of financial support for the new urbanization construction "opening mode", to be the main bank to boost the new urbanization construction, leading banks and innovative banks. The concrete policy measures are as follows:
First, we should adhere to the planning first, actively participate in the planning of urbanization and provide a compound service of "financing and melting"; the dynamic management of the major projects in the related planning of the new urbanization and the construction of the docking mechanism with the government. Two is the implementation of the differentiated credit policy and the realization of the optimal allocation of credit resources. On the one hand, expand credit business scope, implement differential credit policy. On the other hand, improve credit service level and realize new breakthroughs in all aspects. Three is standard financing platform, innovation cooperation mode, "financing ten finance" support platform standard construction, and help financing main body market reform. Four is to carry out comprehensive marketing, to carry out "investment, loan," Five is innovative financing products, multi path support for urban construction, integration of enterprise credit resources, active promotion of collective trust or debt issuance, active formation and expansion of village and town banks, strong support for the construction of new rural areas, unsecured joint insurance, Guarantee business. Actively explore the issue of urbanization construction bonds. Promote urban development fund and key small towns construction funds. Six is to participate in financial ecological construction, develop harmonious finance, promote financial integrity culture, promote local credit construction. Seven is to expand financial products, serve urban and township co-ordination. Develop equity fund investment business, energetically. Direct financing business to promote financial leasing business. Eight is to strengthen risk management, improve financial service capacity, establish and improve practical risk prevention measures, the implementation of comprehensive risk management.
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