发布时间:2018-05-28 23:00
本文选题:手机银行 + 金融形态 ; 参考:《西南财经大学》2013年博士论文
【摘要】:金融业是信息密集的行业,不仅其经营对象可实现信息化,而且金融活动对信息通信技术(ICT)也有很强的依赖性。金融业的发展与信息通信技术紧密相连,信息通信技术不仅能够引起金融创新,产生新的金融工具和交易方式,而且能够颠覆现有的金融模式。随着信息通信技术和金融业的发展,信息通信技术与金融逐渐融为一体,可以说,没有信息通信技术,就没有现代金融业。纵观最近几十年的金融创新,无不与信息通信技术有关,信息通信技术对于金融业的作用举足轻重,手机银行的诞生就是很好的例证。 移动互联网与金融的结合,目前主要表现为以银行为主导和以移动运营商等非银行机构为主导的手机银行。自20世纪90年代末手机银行诞生以来,其以迅雷不及掩耳之势席卷全球,目前手机银行的典型模式在非洲国家,主要由移动运营商主导。在未来,每一个人手中都有一部手机等移动终端,资金供求匹配直接通过手机银行进行,不需要银行券商等金融中介,以移动互联网为代表的现代信息通信技术,将会对现有金融模式产生根本影响。有鉴于此,作者通过手机银行来研究信息通信技术对金融形态的影响。 论文共分七章,第一章从历史视角来论述信息通信技术对于金融业发展的重要性,并以此为基础,引出手机银行。第七章主要综述了手机银行的理论和实践,使我们对手机银行有一个感性和理性的认识。论文第二、三、四、五章主要围绕手机银行与金融形态来展开,为本文的理论基础。各章节的主要观点如下: 第一章,为了能更好地说明信息通信技术对金融形态变革的重要性,我们梳理了历史上与技术相关的金融创新,发现自金融业引入信息通信技术以来,从业务辅助到金融业再造,信息通信技术不仅能够引致新的交易工具和交易方式,促使金融机构、金融市场的变革,同时也有可能颠覆现有的金融模式。直至今日,金融业已经与信息通信技术水乳交融,可以说,没有信息通信技术,就没有现代金融业,信息通信技术对于金融形态变革的重要性不容忽视。 第二章,信息通信技术(ICT)与金融的结合拓展了交易边界,提高了金融包容性水平。而在现实条件下,ICT与金融的结合点主要体现为手机银行以及运用电脑终端进行的P2P融资模式。本文实证分析表明,过去20年间,ICT对中国经济增长有显著的促进作用,互联网上网人数、移动电话指标都显著促进了经济增长,并且移动电话对经济增长的促进作用大于互联网上网人数。但固定电话对经济增长的促进作用不显著,这主要是因为移动电话对固定电话有替代效应。进一步分析表明,ICT对经济增长的贡献,主要是通过扩大交易边界,提高金融包容性水平来实现的。 第三章,手机普及率超过了正规金融机构的网点或自助设备,加之移动互联网与金融的结合,引致了无网点银行服务的出现(即虚拟银行),使得手机银行拓展了交易边界。通过引入代理商,非洲国家已经成功运用手机银行来弥补金融空白,很好地解决了金融包容的问题。而手机银行在提高金融包容性水平时关键在于定价,考虑到金融包容和手机银行网络规模效应,其定价不宜太高,考虑到风险补偿,其定价也不宜太低。此外,手机银行作为一种金融创新,蕴含一定风险,需要监管部门进行合理监管。 第四章,通过对我国农村金融发展现状的剖析,发现我国农村金融的核心问题是信息不充分。目前化解这一难题的主要手段是推广手机银行,利用手机银行进行信息处理,手机银行不仅交易成本低,而且可以解决信息不对称的问题。现阶段可以通过手机银行来增加农户的信用记录,在未来,可以通过社交网络等工具来充分揭示和传播信息。进一步分析发现,我国农村推广手机银行的基本条件已经具备,只要“政治决策”即可实现。最后,为了尽快破解我国农村金融信息难题,我们提出了相关政策建议。 第五章,随着信息通信技术(ICT)的发展和移动终端普及率的提高,手机银行的支付功能逐渐得以体现(即移动支付),移动支付有可能取代现金和信用卡成为主要的支付方式,从而引起支付形态的变革。移动支付是电子货币形态的主要表现形式,电子货币是移动支付存在的基础,二者具有网络规模效应,而预期在移动支付和电子货币网络规模效应中起着关键作用,随着移动支付和电子货币网络规模效应的凸显,移动支付的低交易成本优势得到充分发挥,从而减少了人们对现金货币的需求,改变了货币需求的形式。同时,中央银行和利润最大化的企业并行发行货币,将会冲击货币供给。货币需求形式的改变和电子货币的私人供给,将会使得货币控制的有效性大大降低,这时需要中央银行发明新的货币政策工具来应对这一冲击。 第六章,互联网时代的金融活动,尤其是通过手机银行等现代金融服务方式来从事有关金融活动,时刻面临金融风险,这里主要指信息科技风险。我们在借鉴商业银行信息科技风险防范和监管的基础上,重点讨论互联网金融时代下手机银行业务所面临的信息科技风险。由于信息科技风险具有传递性、复杂性、隐蔽性和突发性等特点,导致金融系统具有一定的脆弱性,而金融系统本身又具有一定的外部性,涉及到社会公众的利益,一旦金融系统发生崩溃,单凭市场主体的分担和救助已经无法化解,因而需要金融监管机构从外部进行监管。互联网时代的金融,淡化了实体的金融机构,因此针对金融机构的微观审慎监管也就不太重要,更多地是行为监管和消费者保护。 第七章,20世纪90年代末手机银行诞生以来,其以迅雷不及掩耳之势席卷全球。近年来,手机银行在非洲国家更是“风生水起”,如南非的Wizzit、肯尼亚的M-PESA、赞比亚的Clepay等。鉴于此,我们重点梳理了目前比较典型的手机银行实践。并从手机银行自身因素、手机银行与经济增长、手机银行与微观金融、手机银行与金融空白、手机银行与农村金融等方面,归纳、梳理了有关手机银行的文献。通过对手机银行理论和实践的分析,我们发现手机银行由于交易成本低、方便及时,在弥补金融空白方面优势明显,尤其是广阔的农村地区。 论文可能的创新如下: 选题新。本论文是第一次通过手机银行来研究信息通信技术对金融形态的影响。已有文献研究信息通信技术对于金融形态的重要性,更多是从信息通信技术的辅助作用这方面来论述,很少从手机银行的视角来研究,更谈不上从手机银行的第三层含义(即金融业的颠覆性变革),来说明信息通信技术对金融形态的影响。 背景新。本论文紧紧围绕着手机银行对金融形态的影响这一主旋律来展开。手机银行对金融模式的影响,如无网点金融服务和互联网金融模式;手机银行对支付形态的影响,如移动支付;手机银行对信息处理的影响;手机银行对金融监管形态的影响等方面进行展开。上述内容,都紧紧围绕手机银行与金融形态进行,并以此为基础,展望未来金融发展。 观点新。第一次系统定义手机银行,即通过手机等移动终端来提供金融服务,包含三层含义:一是指传统银行主导下的手机银行,这是传统银行业务的延伸,在发达国家比较普遍;二是移动运营商主导下的手机银行,能够更好地满足金融包容的需要,在欠发达地区比较普遍;三是通过手机等移动终端资金供需双方直接完成的融资活动,如P2P融资模式等。同时指出手机银行的第三层含义是未来的发展方向。此外,还创造性地提出运用手机银行来破解我国农村金融信息难题。 论文尚有诸多不足之处,表现在: 囿于数据的可获得性,论文计量部分的非稳态回归存在一定的问题,需要进一步加强。论文对手机银行面临的信息科技风险讨论也不够深入,尤其表现在信息科技风险的度量和识别方面。最后,有关手机银行的基本理论是一项系统工程,论文只是大致画了一个轮廓,需要我们在以后的研究中进一步深化。总之,论文的完成只是一个开始,需要后来者不断添砖加瓦。
[Abstract]:Financial industry is an information intensive industry, not only its operating object can be information-based, but also the financial activities have strong dependence on the information and communication technology (ICT). The development of the financial industry is closely connected with the information and communication technology. The information and communication technology can not only cause financial innovation, produce new financial instruments and ways, but also can be reversed. With the development of the information and communication technology and the development of the financial industry, information and communication technology and finance have gradually integrated. It can be said that without information and communication technology, there is no modern financial industry. In the last few decades, the financial innovation has been closely related to information and communication technology, and the role of information and communication technology in the financial industry is very light. Heavy, the birth of mobile banking is a good example.
The combination of mobile Internet and finance is mainly shown as the mobile bank dominated by banks and non bank institutions such as mobile operators. Since the birth of mobile phone banks in the late 1990s, the mobile Internet has swept the globe with the momentum of thunderbolt. At present, the typical model of mobile banking is in African countries, mainly by mobile operation. In the future, in the future, everyone has a mobile terminal in the hands of a mobile phone and other mobile terminals. The match of capital supply and demand is carried out directly through the mobile bank and does not need financial intermediaries such as bank brokers. The modern information and communication technology, represented by the mobile Internet, will have a fundamental impact on the existing financial model. The study of the influence of information and communication technology on the financial form.
The thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter discusses the importance of information and communication technology to the development of financial industry from the historical perspective, and on the basis of this, the mobile bank is introduced. The seventh chapter mainly summarizes the theory and practice of mobile banking, which makes us have a perceptual and rational understanding of the mobile bank. The second, third, four, and five chapters of the paper are mainly around the hand. The main points of this chapter are as follows:
In the first chapter, in order to better explain the importance of information and communication technology to the change of financial form, we have combed the history of technology related financial innovation, and found that since the introduction of information and communication technology in the financial industry, from the business assistance to the reengineering of the financial industry, the information and communication technology can not only lead to new trading tools and ways of trading, At the same time, the reform of financial institutions and financial markets may also subvert the existing financial model. Until now, the financial industry has been mixed with information and communication technology. It can be said that there is no modern financial industry without information and communication technology, and the importance of information and communication technology to financial form change can not be ignored.
In the second chapter, the combination of information and communication technology (ICT) and finance extends the transaction boundary and improves the level of financial inclusiveness. Under the actual conditions, the combination of ICT and finance is mainly embodied in the P2P financing mode of mobile banking and the use of computer terminals. The empirical analysis shows that in the past 20 years, the economic growth of China has been remarkable. The number of Internet Internet users and mobile phone indicators have significantly promoted economic growth, and mobile phones have a greater role in promoting economic growth than Internet access. However, the role of fixed phones is not significant for economic growth. This is mainly due to the substitution effect of mobile telephone on fixed telephone. Ming, ICT's contribution to economic growth is mainly achieved by expanding the trading boundary and raising the level of financial inclusion.
In the third chapter, the popularity of mobile phones exceeds the network of regular financial institutions or self-help equipment, coupled with the combination of mobile Internet and finance, which leads to the emergence of non network banking services (virtual banks), which makes mobile banks expand the transaction boundaries. By introducing agents, African countries have successfully used mobile banking to make up financial gaps. The key to the financial inclusion is to solve the problem of financial inclusion, and the key of mobile banking is to price the financial inclusiveness. Considering the financial inclusion and the scale effect of the mobile banking network, its pricing should not be too high. Considering the risk compensation, its pricing should not be too low. In addition, the hand bank as a financial innovation contains certain risks. It is necessary for the regulatory authorities to carry out reasonable supervision.
The fourth chapter, through the analysis of the current situation of rural financial development in China, found that the core problem of rural finance in China is insufficient information. At present, the main means to solve this problem is to promote mobile banking and to use mobile bank for information processing. The Bank of mobile phone not only has low transaction cost, but also can solve the problem of information asymmetry. In the future, we can fully reveal and disseminate information through the social network and other tools in the future. Further analysis shows that the basic conditions for the promotion of mobile banking in rural areas have already been found, as long as "political decision-making" can be realized. Finally, in order to solve the rural financial information as soon as possible in order to solve the rural financial information in China. The problem, we put forward relevant policy recommendations.
In the fifth chapter, with the development of information and communication technology (ICT) and the increase of the popularity of mobile terminal, the payment function of mobile bank is gradually embodied (i.e. mobile payment). Mobile payment may replace cash and credit card as the main mode of payment, which leads to the change of payment form. Mobile payment is the main form of electronic money form. In the present form, electronic money is the basis of the existence of mobile payment. The two party has the network scale effect, and it is expected to play a key role in the scale effect of mobile payment and e-money network. With the scale effect of mobile payment and e-money network, the advantages of low cost and easy cost of mobile payment are fully played, thus reducing people. The demand for cash money has changed the form of money demand. Meanwhile, the parallel issuance of currency by central banks and profit maximizing enterprises will impact money supply. Changes in the form of demand for money and the private supply of electronic money will greatly reduce the effectiveness of monetary control, which requires the central bank to invent a new currency. Policy tools to deal with this impact.
In the sixth chapter, the financial activities in the Internet age, especially the modern financial services such as mobile banking, are engaged in financial activities and face financial risks. This is mainly about the risk of information technology. On the basis of the risk prevention and supervision of the commercial banks' information technology, we focus on the mobile phone in the Internet financial era. The risk of information technology faced by the banking business. Because the risk of information technology has the characteristics of transitivity, complexity, concealment and sudden, the financial system has a certain vulnerability, and the financial system itself has some externalities, which involves the benefit of the public. Once the financial system collapses, the financial system is solely based on the market subject. Sharing and rescuing has been unable to be resolved, so financial regulators need to be supervised from the outside. The financial institutions in the Internet age have desalinated the entity's financial institutions, so the micro prudential supervision of financial institutions is not very important, and more is behavior supervision and consumer protection.
The seventh chapter, since the birth of mobile phone bank in the end of 1990s, it has swept the world through the thunderbolt. In recent years, mobile banking is more "rising" in African countries, such as Wizzit in South Africa, M-PESA in Kenya, and Clepay in Zambia. In view of this, we have focused on the typical practice of mobile banking. The bank's own factors, mobile banking and economic growth, mobile banking and microfinance, mobile banking and financial gaps, mobile banking and rural finance, summarize the literature about mobile banking. Through the analysis of the theory and practice of mobile banking, we find that the mobile bank is convenient and timely because of the low transaction cost. The advantages of financial gaps are obvious, especially in the vast rural areas.
The possible innovations in the paper are as follows:
This paper is the first time to study the influence of the information and communication technology on the financial form through the mobile phone bank. The importance of the information and communication technology to the financial form has been studied, and more is discussed from the auxiliary role of the information and communication technology. The third meaning (that is, the disruptive reform of the financial industry) is to illustrate the impact of information and communication technology on financial form.
The impact of mobile banking on financial patterns, such as non network financial services and Internet financial models, the impact of mobile banking on payment form, such as mobile payment, the impact of mobile banking on information processing, and mobile banking to finance. The above contents are all focused on mobile banking and financial form, and based on this, we look forward to the future financial development.
The first system defines mobile banking, which provides financial services through mobile terminals such as mobile phones, which includes three layers of meaning: one is the traditional bank led mobile banking, which is an extension of traditional banking business, more common in developed countries, and the two is mobile banking dominated by mobile banks, which can be better full of foot gold. The need for inclusion is more common in the less developed areas; three is the financing activities directly completed by the two sides of mobile terminals, such as mobile phones, such as the P2P financing model, etc., and points out that the third meanings of the mobile bank are the future direction of development. In addition, we also creatively put forward the use of mobile banking to solve the rural financial information in China. Difficult problems.
There are many shortcomings in this paper, which are manifested in:
Due to the availability of data, there are some problems in the non steady state regression of the paper, which needs further strengthening. The discussion of information technology risks facing mobile phone banks is not deep enough, especially in the measurement and identification of information technology risk. Finally, the basic theory of mobile banking is a systematic project. The paper just outlines a outline and needs to be further deepened in the future research. In a word, the completion of the paper is only a start, and the latter needs to be continuously added.
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