[Abstract]:By constructing the coefficient of residual expectation reflecting the economic difference and the difference of FDI distribution, this paper analyzes the six cities of Liaoning coastal economic belt (Dalian, Dandong, Jinzhou, Yingkou, Panjin). The difference of economic development and the present situation of FDI distribution in Huludao are analyzed objectively. It is found that since 1992, the difference of economic development between the six cities in Liaoning coastal economic belt has expanded, but the imbalance of FDI distribution has decreased significantly. From the perspective of Yu's expectation, the differences among the six cities in Liaoning coastal economic belt are mainly reflected in the income gap among the cities. In terms of FDI distribution, the FDI inflow into Liaoning coastal economic belt is not balanced, and Dalian still occupies an absolute advantage in the scale of FDI absorption. In view of this, this paper focuses on the relationship between FDI and the economic development differences of six cities in the coastal economic belt of Liaoning Province from the perspectives of "scale" and "contribution" of FDI. The conclusions are as follows: the imbalance of FDI distribution in Liaoning coastal economic belt has a certain influence on the economic development difference of six cities in Liaoning coastal economic belt. To a certain extent, the advantage of FDI in Dalian has widened the difference of economic development between Dalian and the other five cities, but this role is limited, and the difference of the contribution of FDI to urban economic development is an important factor affecting the difference of economic development. The different utilization ability of six cities in Liaoning coastal economic belt leads to different economic growth rate of the same proportion of FDI, among which Dandong city contributes the most to the economic development of the city. Finally, some policy suggestions are put forward: reducing the imbalance of regional distribution of FDI by the policy of attracting foreign investment alone can not effectively solve the problem of economic development difference, which lies behind the differences in the absorption and utilization capacity of FDI in six cities. In order to coordinate the differences of economic development among the six cities, the six cities should pay more attention to the absorption of foreign capital, among which Dalian should pay attention to the upgrading and transformation of industrial structure, and the other five cities should pay attention to the expansion of quantity and the transformation of structure. In addition, improving the external environment and attaching importance to the enhancement of the absorption capacity of the six regions in order to better play the role of FDI is the most important part in promoting the economic development of the six regions.
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