[Abstract]:The retail business of commercial banks is inextricably linked with ordinary people, and it is also the key for commercial banks to take the initiative to meet the changes and challenges. In the face of the major adjustment of the regulatory policy environment and the remarkable changes in the economic, social, cultural, technological and other fields, the Inner Mongolia Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has a large scale, leading customer resources, product resources, and channel resources. Technical resources, human resources, etc., but increasingly fierce competition in the same industry, With the booming development of Internet finance and its own problems and shortcomings, the Inner Mongolia Branch of ICBC must further clarify the competitive strategy of retail business development to win the competitive advantage. This paper firstly analyzes the retail business of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Inner Mongolia Branch, through pest analysis, Porter's five-force model and SWOT matrix are used to analyze in detail the internal and external environment for the retail business development of ICBC Inner Mongolia Branch and its opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. It is clear that ICBC Inner Mongolia Branch should adopt differentiation strategy and cost leading strategy for high-quality customers with financial assets of 200000 yuan to 1 million yuan and ordinary customers with financial assets below 200000 yuan, and build channels and provide technical support. Staff training, team building, risk prevention and control and other aspects of the design of strategic safeguards.
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