[Abstract]:With the continuous development of personal housing mortgage loan business and the gradual expansion of individual housing mortgage loan balance, the risk of mortgage payment in advance has become an important interest rate risk faced by Chinese commercial banks. This paper introduces the open data of Jianyuan 2005 asset securitization products and calculates the prepayment rate of housing mortgage loans in the asset pool from February 2006 to January 2009 by using the conditional advance repayment rate model. Based on the analysis of time series, it is concluded that the prepayment rate of the asset pool follows the first order autoregressive process. On this basis, this paper introduces the monthly housing investment quota growth rate, which reflects the prosperity of the real estate industry, and studies the relationship between the change of the housing mortgage prepayment rate and the prosperity of the real estate market. Based on this model, an autoregressive hysteresis distribution model with good fitting effect is established. It is concluded that the prepayment rate of housing mortgage is influenced by the first order autoregressive process and the annual growth rate of monthly housing investment by six or seven periods.
【作者单位】: 河南大学工商管理研究所;北京师范大学管理学院;
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