[Abstract]:With the development of economic globalization and reform and opening up, foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an increasingly important role in China's economy and trade. In this environment, the soft and hard environment of attracting foreign direct investment in Liaoning Province is gradually perfect, the scale of foreign direct investment is gradually expanding, the scale of export trade is increasing, and the structure of export commodities is gradually improved. This paper analyzes the influence of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the export commodity structure of Liaoning Province through theoretical and empirical research. It is of great practical significance for the government to make use of foreign capital actively to further optimize and enhance the international competitiveness of export products. This article mainly carries on the research through five parts. The first part, the introduction mainly elaborated the research background and the significance, the domestic and foreign scholar to the foreign direct investment influence export commodity structure research present situation. The second part, mainly introduces the related concepts and theories. The third part, by analyzing the current situation of foreign direct investment and export commodity structure in Liaoning Province, studying the influence of foreign direct investment on export commodity structure, foreign direct investment influences export commodity structure through technology spillover and industrial upgrading. The influence of Foreign Capital from different sources on the Export Commodity structure of Liaoning Province. The fourth part uses unit root test, cointegration analysis and causality test, from the total export volume of Liaoning Province, export commodity structure, primary products and manufactured products, This paper discusses the influence of FDI on the structure of export commodities from four angles of capital and technology-intensive export of manufactured goods, and proves that FDI optimizes the structure of Liaoning's export commodities. The fifth part, in view of the research content of the third and fourth parts, from four angles of improving the market opening degree, promoting the industrial structure adjustment and upgrading, strengthening the independent innovation ability, raising the level of human capital, improving Liaoning's ability of utilizing foreign direct investment. Optimize the structure of export commodities and put forward relevant policies and suggestions.
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