[Abstract]:Chinese property market is an institutional arrangement of capital market with Chinese characteristics. After more than 20 years' development, property market has become an indispensable part of Chinese capital market. In recent years, because the stock of tradable state assets in the property market is less gradually, the market of property rights has appeared the crisis of existence. During this period, the establishment of a regional property market has become a major innovation on the basis of the original property rights trading market, but the situation of regional economic development is not very good, so it blindly establishes the regional property rights trading market. Still can not solve the regional property rights market and even the national property rights market of the existence of the problem. In this paper, the necessity of the existence of property rights market is explained theoretically through some literature reviews, the general situation of the development of regional property rights market in China is analyzed macroscopically, and the regional property rights market in Anhui River is selected as a case, and through the statistical analysis of enterprise property right transaction, This paper summarizes some experiences and shortcomings of the development, and puts forward a series of policy suggestions to perfect the regional property rights market mechanism of our country, give full play to the function of the regional property rights market, and promote the sustainable development of the regional property rights market in our country.
【作者单位】: 安徽财经大学金融学院;
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6 李n,