[Abstract]:The first round of exchange rate reform in July 2005 officially opened the curtain of RMB internationalization. With the deepening of economic globalization, the level of China's foreign trade is constantly improving. As one of the troika driving economic growth, export plays a more and more obvious role in economic development. In addition to import and export, Chinese enterprises are more and more involved in the operation of multinational corporations, foreign direct investment, foreign loans, the use of foreign debt and foreign guarantee and other capital account areas. Especially since the implementation of RMB cross-border trade settlement in 2009, RMB, as an international settlement currency, has initially entered the international economic field, which opens a wider way for Chinese enterprises to participate in the world economic activities more deeply and avoid the exchange rate risk. For ZBLT companies with frequent international business, it is of great practical significance to understand deeply the impact of RMB internationalization and cross-border RMB settlement on them, to actively formulate a long-term development strategy and to effectively utilize the international dividend of RMB. This paper takes the influence of cross-border RMB settlement on ZBLT Company as the research object. On the basis of combing the literature and theory, the paper combines the internal and external environment of ZBLT Company, and adopts the case analysis method and SWOT analysis method. This paper analyzes the current situation of the company's international settlement business and the main international business data, and gives the overall evaluation and SWOT analysis of the company's cross-border RMB settlement. By means of financial index analysis, this paper analyzes the beneficial effects of cross-border RMB settlement on the company from the macro, accounting and business levels. At the same time, it analyzes the adverse effects and risks. Furthermore, the paper points out that ZBLT should seize the strategic opportunity period, actively formulate risk prevention strategy, industrial upgrading strategy, globalization strategy and centralized operation and management strategy of multinational corporations, so as to enhance international competitiveness and strengthen brand building. In order to strive for pricing power in international transactions, expand the scale of RMB settlement, in the stage of international trade and investment to achieve the great victory of profit maximization. At present, as the renminbi joins the SDR basket, its status as a savings currency and settlement currency is further enhanced. At the same time, with the deepening of the reform in the field of foreign exchange management, the pace of capital account convertibility has been quickened, and the scope of RMB used in overseas investment, foreign guarantee, foreign debt and foreign loans, securities and other capital fields has been continuously expanded. Based on the background of the times, this paper makes a multi-angle analysis on the impact of ZBLT's international business and cross-border RMB settlement on the company, which is innovative and has guiding significance for the company to make scientific strategic decisions.
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