[Abstract]:Since the 1970s, there have been 168 banking crises in both developing and developed countries, including 117 systemic crises and 51 non-systemic crises, all of which caused more than 1/10 of the annual GDP. The recent subprime mortgage crisis and the subsequent European debt crisis, its impact is sweeping the world. The most important factor is the risk contagion effect among banks. Correct recognition and measurement of this effect plays an important role in the prevention of bank crisis. Based on this, this paper makes a detailed study on the risk contagion effect of banks, using the methods of model analysis, simulation, empirical testing and so on. In particular, first of all, the theoretical model of the crisis generation mechanism of a single bank is studied, and the influence of the change of depositors' withdrawal requirements on the bank runs is obtained. Then, the method of simulation and empirical test is used. This paper analyzes the risk contagion effect in the banking system, focuses on the identification and measurement of the contagion effect of systemically important banks, and finally, analyzes the risk contagion path and contagion effect of the international financial market to the Chinese banking industry. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the theoretical research on the mechanism of single bank crisis shows that once a bank has a payment crisis, this information will be quickly captured by depositors because of the asymmetry of the information. The prudent type of savers will withdraw money in advance, and the withdrawal behavior will be affected by the herding effect, and more people will join in the advance withdrawal. It makes the operation of the bank worse, and finally makes the crisis of individual bank inevitable, leading to the failure of the bank, and the existence of bad debts in the bank will speed up the process. Bank crises will occur earlier. (2) the simulation results of risk contagion effect between banking systems show that the complex relationship between creditor's rights and liabilities in the banking system makes the failure risk of a bank lead to contagion effect. It could eventually trigger a systemic risk to the banking system. Specifically, if the bank in crisis has a loss rate of less than 30%, then, whether the bank is systemically important or not, it will not affect the stability of the whole banking system; If the contagion effect is reached or greater than 50%, the contagion effect will obviously strengthen. In this case, if the crisis occurs in a systemically important bank, it will cause a systemic risk in a very short period of time, and if the crisis is not a systemically important bank, It may cause local risk, or slow down the process of systemic risk. In short, systemically important banks have a decisive impact on risk contagion effect. (3) empirical study on the Copula correlation of daily earnings data of 14 listed banks in the banking system of China shows that, There are seven systemically important banks in China: bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, Bank of Communications, Minsheng Bank and CITIC Bank. These banks are very contagious. A risk would be devastating to other banks and to the financial sector as a whole.
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