[Abstract]:With the development of domestic economy and the improvement of people's income, the amount of people's wealth is increasing year by year. But at the same time, the domestic economy and society are faced with many practical problems, such as unstable economic environment, rising inflation rate, increasing trend of aging population, and so on. In order to keep and increase the value of wealth, people begin to look for the channel of investment and financial management. With the increasing demand for investment and financial management in the market, the financial management industry has ushered in unprecedented opportunities for development. Since 2003, third-party financial management companies have developed very rapidly as new financial institutions in China. Up to now, there are tens of thousands of third-party financial institutions in China. The appearance of third party financial management not only helps to expand people's financial channels, but also promotes the service quality of financial management industry. However, the rapid development of third party financial management in China has also produced a series of problems, such as inadequate supervision, disordered market competition, lack of financial talents and so on. The existence of these problems to some extent restricts the development of third-party financial management, it is necessary to study and solve them as soon as possible. This paper studies the development of third party financial management in China, and analyzes the problems and causes of the development of third party finance in China by means of SWOT analysis. At the same time, we draw lessons from the mature experience of the third party financial management in the United States and Japan, and put forward some suggestions and countermeasures for the development of the third party financial management in China. In a word, this paper hopes that the research on the development of third party financial management will help to enhance people's understanding of third party financial management and promote the long-term development of third party finance in China.
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