[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous development of Chinese economy, the investment demand of Chinese people is increasingly strong, and the investment consciousness is constantly improving. However, in the actual operation process, there will be cognitive deviations that do not accord with the "idealized" expectation. Behavioral finance theory integrates psychology, especially behavioral science theory, into finance, explains, studies and predicts the phenomena and problems of securities market from the micro individual behavior and the psychological and social motivation of the behavior. Gradually formed its own theoretical framework, set up a behavioral investment decision model. This paper analyzes this problem from the point of view of behavioral finance, that is, investment psychology, taking the herd effect as the starting point, in order to explain the behavior of investors and even the reason of irrational prosperity of financial market in China. Finally, some countermeasures are put forward to provide some enlightenment for investors to observe the market and examine themselves with behavioral finance theory. Hope that investors constantly improve their psychological quality, not confused by the stock market, eventually dominating the stock market.
【作者单位】: 云南大学经济学院;
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