[Abstract]:This paper studies efforts to build a leading international financial center (IFC) China's State Council early in April 2009 after the announcement of the local government action in Shanghai. Since the announcement, Shanghai's international financial center status has leapt to the top 10 global financial centres index has not been able to maintain that position. Clearly, there is nothing to find out about what the survey aims to find out, not simply if Shanghai can become an international financial centre, but whether they can fit into a leading international financial centre. Breaking the definition of what is an international financial center, the survey found that foreign portfolio investment in (FPI) is a key variable to IFC growth and establishes a framework for analyzing Shanghai's progress from this perspective. The survey found that it was political motivation that led to all categories of zones, value-added chains, products and policies being destroyed by convolution and red tape. It was also found that in the short term, Shanghai should focus on developing Type B (Montes, 1999) at the center of the natural road, allowing a broader list of companies to better increase the range of products rather than more government regulation and creation. In the medium-to long-term, Shanghai should look for diversified markets, capital outflows and the building of a stronger financial centre, Type D (Montes, 1999). In addition, Shanghai should focus on bringing policy controls closer to Shanghai, creating evidence and justifications for the changes presented to Beijing for more effective implementation. The dream story of Shanghai's International Financial Center is a great and powerful horse tied to its owners as not yet ready to run the race.
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