[Abstract]:Position management is the most basic work in human resource management, and also the basis of human resource management. The design of an effective and scientific position system can provide important support for building a high quality and competitive workforce, and stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of the staff. Therefore, it is of practical significance for any enterprise to improve the competitiveness of human resources in order to face the diversified market competition. On the basis of analyzing the existing position system of BS commercial bank, this paper introduces the basic content, design method and simple flow of the position system, and expounds some principles of the new position system design of BS commercial bank. The idea and the key points in the design process, and combined with some basic methods to design and establish a scientific and effective new position system of BS commercial bank. The new position system plans the basic elements of the position system, such as position sequence, rank, post and so on. Finally, other optimization measures are put forward for the new position system. The optimization and reconstruction of the new position system, to a large extent, mobilize the creativity and enthusiasm of the staff, optimize the allocation of human resources in essence, and enhance the core competitiveness of the BS commercial bank in its sustained and healthy development, which is of great importance to the whole bank. It has important practical significance.
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