[Abstract]:Enterprise M & A can not be separated from the support of financing activities, financing mode, amount, cost, especially the size of financing risk determines the success or failure of M & A to a certain extent. The development of China's entrepreneurial economy needs the support of tax policy, the conflict of interest between major shareholders and minority shareholders in corporate governance needs to be effectively resolved, and the equity structure of tourism listed companies needs to be further optimized. In order to resist risks, small and medium-sized enterprises must carry out reasonable tax planning and so on. These are the fiscal and financial problems that need to be solved urgently in the development of enterprises in our country. This article discusses the financing of M & A, capital structure, tax policy, tax planning of value-added tax and so on, hoping to be helpful to solve the practical problems.
【作者单位】: 黑龙江科技学院经济管理学院;
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