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发布时间:2018-11-10 10:01
【摘要】:在20多年的改革和发展过程中,证券经纪业务一直以来是我国证券行业的重要业务,为证券行业发展奠定了坚实基础。但经纪业务长期以来依靠政策红利,通过提供交易通道,以交易收取佣金的传统盈利模式,随着市场规模不断增大,投资者需求日益多样和丰富,监管政策和制度的变化等,交易通道作为资源的稀缺性日益弱化,简单的依靠通道服务获取收入明显不适应当前形势的变化。经纪业务必须适应市场变化和发展趋势,寻求新的经营模式,业务转型成为近年来行业研讨的热点。证券营业部一直以来是经纪业务的主战场,在经纪业务的发展过程中扮演着重要的角色。经纪业务转型必然以证券营业部为重要载体,特别是地处三四线经济欠发达地区的证券营业部,如何紧跟市场,选择恰当的转型方向和路径,成为本文研究的重点。 本文采取案例分析的办法,通过对服务营销、服务利润链、竞争战略和客户细分等理论知识的回顾,对国内外证券经纪业务发展历程和趋势的分析,以欠发达地区的H证券公司D营业部为调研对象,深入研究了欠发达地区证券营业部经纪业务的共性,提出了欠发达地区证券营业部经纪业务转型模式。 转型的方向是从通道业务向财富管理转变,即以产品为中心向以客户为中心转变,突出服务的价值和地位,由原来的股票客户营销为主转化为以股票客户营销、咨询服务产品及金融产品营销和咨询并举的模式,通过提供大规模、多层次、多角度的产品和服务来创造价值,强调客户体验,追求客户价值。转型的路径是“积累客户、改善结构、丰富产品、促进交易”。转型的方法是从易到难,循序渐进,以投资顾问业务为切入点,围绕服务和营销主线,从初级的套餐服务逐步向理财规划,进而实现财富管理。
[Abstract]:In the course of reform and development for more than 20 years, securities brokerage business has been an important business of securities industry in China, which has laid a solid foundation for the development of securities industry. However, brokerage business has been relying on policy dividends for a long time. Through the provision of trading channels, the traditional profit model of collecting commissions from transactions has been used. With the increasing size of the market, investors' demand has become increasingly diverse and rich, and the regulatory policies and systems have changed, etc. As the scarcity of resource, trading channel is weakening day by day, and simply relying on channel service to gain income is obviously not adapted to the change of current situation. The brokerage business must adapt to the market change and the development trend, seek the new management pattern, the business transformation becomes the hot spot which the profession studies in recent years. The securities business department has always been the main battlefield of brokerage business and plays an important role in the development of brokerage business. Brokerage business transformation must take the securities business department as the important carrier, especially in the third and fourth economic underdeveloped areas, how to closely follow the market, choose the appropriate transformation direction and path, become the focus of this paper. This paper adopts the method of case analysis, through reviewing the theoretical knowledge of service marketing, service profit chain, competitive strategy and customer segmentation, analyzes the development course and trend of securities brokerage business at home and abroad. Taking D business department of H securities company in underdeveloped area as the research object, this paper deeply studies the commonness of brokerage business of securities business department in underdeveloped area, and puts forward the transformation mode of brokerage business of securities business department in underdeveloped area. The direction of transformation is from channel business to wealth management, that is to say, product-centered to customer-centric, highlighting the value and status of service, from the original stock customer marketing to the stock customer marketing. Consulting service products and financial products marketing and consulting model, by providing large-scale, multi-level, multi-angle products and services to create value, emphasizing customer experience, the pursuit of customer value. The path of transformation is to accumulate customers, improve structure, enrich products and promote transactions. The transformation method is from easy to difficult, step by step, with investment advisory business as the breakthrough point, around the main line of service and marketing, from the primary package service to financial planning, and then to realize wealth management.


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