[Abstract]:As one of the most important types of financial risk faced by commercial banks in China, credit risk plays a vital role in the overall development of commercial banks. Compared with the western developed countries, the credit risk management level of our commercial banks is obviously backward, and the credit risk management system needs to be improved. Especially, there is a big gap between risk management tools and technology compared with commercial banks in developed countries. Therefore, if our commercial banks want to develop steadily and participate in the fierce international financial market competition, we must improve the ability of risk identification, evaluation, control, and absorb and apply some mature risk management techniques from abroad. Then a scientific risk identification, detection, measurement and control system is established to measure and effectively manage the credit risk in time, and to improve the key utility of the credit risk management system in the process of risk control. First of all, this paper comprehensively analyzes the current situation of credit risk of commercial banks in China, the existing problems in credit risk management and elaborates the important position of measurement in credit risk management. On the basis of comparing the applicability of four modern credit risk measurement models in China, KMV model is chosen as the basic model. Secondly, in order to improve the applicability of the KMV model in China, the parameters are revised: according to the characteristics of the sharp and thick tail of stock return series and leverage effect, the EGARCH (1K1) -M model is used to calculate the volatility of equity value instead of the GARCH (1K1) model; In view of the problem of non-tradable shares in China, the net asset pricing method is used to estimate the stock. In the setting of default point, the difference of default distance between normal company and defaulting enterprise under three different default points is calculated and tested, and the optimal default point is selected. The risk-free rate of return adopts Shanghai Interbank offered rate (Shibor) to better reflect the process of interest rate marketization. Finally, this paper analyzes and tests the credit risk measurement of 14 listed companies in the top 5 industries in 2014. The validity of the modified KMV model in China's credit risk measurement is verified. Finally, this paper puts forward some suggestions on how to improve the level of credit risk management from the aspects of measurement and application environment. The results show that: (1) using EGARCH (1) -M model to calculate the volatility of equity value can reflect the leverage effect between forward return and future volatility, and improve the accuracy of calculation. (2) through independent sample T test, The optimal default point is DPT=0.75LTD STD;. (3) the average default distance of ST is smaller than that of non-ST on the whole, which means that the default risk of ST is smaller than that of ST, which is consistent with the present situation. However, the theoretical default probability is not completely consistent with the present situation, that is, the theoretical default probability can not effectively identify the total credit risk of the company. (4) the level of credit risk of listed companies in different industries varies significantly. The credit risk of listed companies in manufacturing industry is the largest. (5) K-S test and Mann-Whitney U test are carried out on the empirical results. The results show that the modified KMV model can effectively distinguish the risk level between ST and non-ST companies. On this basis, the prediction ability of the modified model is further expressed by ROC curve, and the accuracy of prediction is 85.7%.
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