[Abstract]:At the beginning of this century, the bursting of the dotcom bubble had a great impact on both the United States and the world economy. To stimulate the economy, developed countries such as the United States have adopted almost universal loose monetary policies, including increasing the money supply and lowering interest rates. The increased liquidity from these loose monetary policies has played a significant role in stimulating the global economy, but it has gradually created a global liquidity glut, and China is no exception. Against the background of excess global liquidity, China's energy and agricultural prices are rising rapidly, and China's inflation is clearly structural in spite of the moderate overall inflation rate in China. This paper attempts to explore the causes of global excess liquidity in the context of global imbalances. In addition, this paper also tries to explain the reasons of structural inflation in China against the background of global excess liquidity. This paper reviews the process of global excess liquidity, and points out that the direct cause of global excess liquidity is the currency overshoot of developed countries in Europe and the United States, especially the United States. The fundamental cause of global excess liquidity lies in the imbalance of global development, including the imbalance of the monetary system, the level of economic development and the economic structure. Imbalances in the global real economy and in the monetary system form a vicious circle that any developing country can hardly break. As a result, the world urgently needs to build a new monetary system. This suggests that there is a need for a new international monetary system to break the dollar's monopoly, such as improving the SDR mechanism. The impulse response analysis based on VAR model, variance decomposition and Granger causality test show that the main reasons for the price increase of international energy and agricultural products are the depreciation of the global dollar and the expansion of the global economy. The main reason that international agricultural product price rises also includes energy price rises. The paper also finds that international energy and agricultural prices are not sensitive to the basic supply and demand relationship. This indicates that the fluctuation of energy and agricultural prices is greatly affected by speculative factors, and that countries should establish adequate energy and food reserves. Hedge the effect of speculation on prices. This paper finds that China's inflation to a large extent is imported. International energy and agricultural price rise is the main reason for domestic energy and agricultural price increases. In addition, China's domestic agricultural prices are also affected by energy prices. The results also show that the domestic economic situation will also affect China's domestic energy and agricultural prices, while domestic monetary policy has little impact on energy and agricultural prices. This suggests that when we use monetary policy to control inflation, we must distinguish between different types of inflation, and monetary policy is more reasonable to peg core inflation than headline inflation.
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